Saturday, January 14, 2017

90 Ways to Boost Productivity in 90 Days

1. Decide to create systems, not goals. Commit to a process, not a goal. Don't just set a goal of creating better customer relationships; commit to calling at least two customers a day to ask how you can better serve them. Don't just set a goal of landing new clients; commit to cold-calling at least two leads every day. Commit to a process that leads to a goal, and you're much more likely to achieve that goal. Focus on what you will do, not on what you hope will happen.

2. Make temptations hard to reach. Call this the "pain in the butt" technique: When something is hard to do, you'll do less of it. Store sodas in the refrigerator and keep bottles of water on your desk. Put the TV remote in an upstairs closet. Shut down your browser so it's harder to check out TMZ. Use a "productivity" laptop that intentionally doesn't have a browser or email, leave your phone behind, and move to a conference room to get stuff done. Convenience is the mother of distraction, so make it a pain in the butt to satisfy your temptations.

3. Maximize the most important tasks. All of us have things we do that make the biggest difference. (For me, it's actually sitting down and writing.) What two or three things contribute most to your success? What two or three things generate the most revenue? Eliminate all the extra "stuff" to the greatest extent possible so you reap the benefits of spending time on the tasks that make you you.

4. Say to yourself, "I will do what no one else is willing to do." Often the easiest way to be different is to do the things other people refuse to do.

So pick one thing other people won't do. It can be simple. It can be small. It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, do it. You'll instantly be a little different from the rest of the pack.

Then keep going. Every day, think of one thing to do that no one else is willing to do.

After a week, you'll be uncommon. After a month, you'll be special. After a year, you'll be incredible, and you definitely won't be like anyone else. (And, in the process, you will develop remarkable determination and willpower.)

5. Start reading Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport. I loved Cal's last book, So Good They Can't Ignore You. It's the book I mention most when people ask me for recommendations.

Deep Work is just as good. It's the perfect antidote to all the alerts, distractions, and multitasking that make you feel like you're getting a lot done, but aren't what you really need to get done.

After all, busy is very different from productive.

6. Allow yourself less time for key projects. Time is like a new house. We eventually fill a bigger house with furniture, and we eventually fill a block of time with "work." So take the opposite approach. Limit the amount of time you allow yourself to complete an important task. You'll be more focused and motivated, your energy level will be higher, and you'll actually get more done.

7. Chunk "housekeeping" tasks. Even though we'd like to focus solely on our most important tasks, we all have other stuff we need to do. Instead of sprinkling those activities throughout the day--or, worse, taking care of them when they pop up--take care of them in a preplanned block. Better yet, schedule that block for when you know you'll be tired or in need of a mental break. That way you'll still feel (and be) productive even when you're not at your best.

8. Stop blaming others. People make mistakes. Employees don't meet your expectations. Vendors don't deliver on time. So you blame them for your problems.

But you're also to blame. Maybe you didn't provide enough training. Maybe you didn't build in enough of a buffer. Maybe you asked too much, too soon.

Taking responsibility when things go wrong instead of blaming others isn't masochistic, it's empowering--because then you focus on doing things better or smarter next time.

9. Just say no. You're polite. You're courteous. You're helpful. You want to be a team player. You're overwhelmed. Say no at least as often as you say yes. You can still be polite while protecting your time. And you should protect your time--it's the one asset no one can afford to waste.

10. Start listening to Extreme Productivity with Kevin Kruse. Seeing so many people feeling overworked and overwhelmed, New York Times best-selling author Kevin Kruse sought to uncover the secrets behind achieving productivity while also feeling a sense of peace and balance. Each 15-minute show is based on insights gained from his interviews with more than 200 highly successful people, including billionaires, Olympic athletes, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, and even straight-A students.

Try this episode: Check out why understanding the number 1,440 could immediately change your daily habits.

11. Start small. Say you've decided you should cold-call 20 new prospects every day. Great idea--but sounds daunting. Sounds really hard. Sounds almost impossible. Instead, start small. You can call two people a day, right? That sounds easy. That you will do. Then, in time, it will feel comfortable to increase the number. Whenever you want to create a new habit, start small so you will actually start, and then stick with it through that tough early period when habits are hard to form.

12. Build in frequent breaks. Small, frequent breaks are a great way to refresh and recharge. Like the Pomodoro Technique, a time-management strategy in which you work on one task for 25 minutes and then take a five-minute break. (To time yourself, use a kitchen timer or your phone.) The key to not burning out is to not let burnout sneak up on you. Scheduling regular short breaks ensures that won't happen.

13. Follow the two-minute rule. Here's one from Getting Things Done by David Allen: When a task takes less than two minutes, don't schedule it, don't set it aside for later, don't set a reminder--just take care of it, now, and then it's done. Besides, don't you have enough on your schedule already?

14. Actively schedule free time. Free time shouldn't just happen by accident. Free time shouldn't be something you get around to if you get a chance. Plan your free time. Plan activities. Plan fun things to do. Not only will you enjoy the planning--and the anticipation--you'll actually have more fun. And the happier you are, the more motivated and productive you will be over the long term. Which, of course, is what personal productivity is all about.

15. Exercise first thing in the morning. Exercise is energizing. Exercise will make you healthier. Exercise can make you smarter. Plus, exercise can improve your mood for up to 12 hours after you work out. So there you go. Work out for 20 minutes first thing. Feel better. Be smarter. Be less stressed. Have a more productive day. Can't beat that.

16. Start reading Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and in Business by Charles Duhigg. The best books don't just make you think, "Wow. I never realized that." They also make you think, "And now I know what to do differently." Duhigg shows how to build better teams, make better decisions, build a better workplace culture, and be more personally productive.

Can't beat that.

17. Eat a healthy lunch every day. We've all eaten a heavy lunch that seemed to kill the rest of the day. So take a different approach. See lunch as fuel for your afternoon--and as one meal you know will be healthy. Plan to eat a portion of protein that fits in your palm and a couple of vegetables or fruits. Make it easy and pack your lunch--then you won't waste time driving to and from a restaurant.

18. Say to yourself, "I will be OK with less than perfect." Yes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Yes, perfection is the only acceptable outcome. Unfortunately, no product or service is ever perfect, and no project or initiative is perfectly planned. In fact, the quest for perfection can often be your worst enemy.

Work hard, do great work, do your best, and let it go. Your customers and colleagues will tell you what needs to be improved, and that means you'll get to make improvements that actually matter to people.

You can't accomplish anything until you let go. Do your best, let go, and then trust that you'll work hard to overcome any shortcomings.

19. Stop trying to impress other people. No one likes you for your clothes, your car, your possessions, your title, or your accomplishments. Those are all "things." People may like your things--but that doesn't mean they like you.

Focus on what really matters to you, and that will free up a lot of time you once wasted on worrying about what you thought was important to other people.

20. Drink another glass of water. It's very likely you don't drink enough water, and that's too bad because feeling good sparks motivation and effort. Plus, if you drink water first thing in the morning, you'll boost your metabolism. Drink more water throughout the day and you'll be less hungry, feel more energetic, decrease your chances of contracting certain diseases--and you'll have to get up more often to use the restroom, which ensures you'll be more active throughout the day.

21. Start listening to Jeff Sanders's The 5 AM Miracle. It's all about "dominating your day before breakfast" by developing powerful early morning habits and rituals. Sanders credits this approach as being the key to his own personal success as a marathon runner, entrepreneur, and healthy vegan. Sanders features well-known celebrities and experts such as Deepak Chopra, Stephanie Gibson, and Ted Ryce, who share their views on getting the most out of life.

Try this episode: Find out if you have a tendency to say yes to everything.

22. Take a productivity nap. A quick nap can improve creativity, memory, and your ability to stay focused. Besides that, neurologists tout the learning benefits of midday siestas. Silicon Valley companies compete to see who can design the coolest napping rooms. Napping is not just napping anymore; it's a skill. And it's a skill that can supercharge your productivity. (Here are some great tips for productive napping.)

23. Make more time for your favorite people. Think about the people you've met recently. Who left you feeling more motivated, excited, and energetic--who made your life better? Seek to spend more time with them. Surround yourself with people who can improve your life, and your life will naturally improve. Sounds obvious, but it's also something we all too often forget.

24. Count your blessings before bed. Take a second before you turn out the light. In that moment, quit worrying about what you don't have. Quit worrying about what others have that you don't. Think about what you do have. You have a lot to be thankful for. Feels good, doesn't it? Count your blessings every night and you'll start the next day in a much more positive way.

25. Use your mind for thinking, not remembering. Here's another Getting Things Done tip. Don't clutter your thoughts with mental to-do lists or information you need to remember. Write all those things down, and then you can focus on thinking about how to do things better, how to treat people better, how to make your business better. Don't waste mental energy trying to remember important tasks or ideas. That's what paper is for.

26. Turn off alerts. Your phone buzzes. Your email dings. Chat windows pop up. Every alert sucks away your attention. So turn them off. Go alert-free, and once every hour or so take a few minutes to see what you might have missed. Chances are you'll find out you missed nothing, but in the meantime you will have been much more focused.

27. Be inspired by small successes. Change is tough. Habits are hard to form. If you want to learn a new skill, don't decide you'll become world-class. The goal is too big, the road too long. Instead, decide to do one small thing really, really well. Then build on that. Success, even minor success, is motivating and creates an awesome feedback loop that will motivate you to do another small thing really well. Take it one step at a time and you might someday actually become world-class--which, after all, is how that works. Start small, stick with it, and someday your big dream will be a reality.

28. Start reading Chaos Monkeys by Antonio Garcia Martinez. Self-improvement is great, but sometimes you just want a fun book to read. Chaos Monkeys is the most fun business book I read this year. It's an inside look at some famous companies, their cultures, their key players.

And, oddly enough, you'll learn a lot about productivity, especially from finding out how not to run meetings and companies.

29. Stop at a great point. Take it from Ernest Hemingway: "The best way is always to stop when you are going good and when you know what will happen next. If you do that every day ... you will never be stuck." His advice applies to all kinds of work. When you stop in the middle of a project, you know what you've done, you know exactly what you'll do next, and you'll be excited to get started again.

30. Stop clinging. When you're afraid or insecure, you hold on tightly to what you know, even if what you know isn't particularly good for you.

An absence of fear or insecurity isn't happiness: It's just an absence of fear or insecurity.

Holding on to what you think you need won't make you more productive--or happier. Let go so you can reach for and try to earn what you really want.

31. Eliminate one "permission." You probably don't think of it this way, but everything you do "trains" the people around you how to treat you. Let employees interrupt your meetings or phone calls because of "emergencies" and they'll feel free to interrupt you anytime. Drop what you're doing every time someone calls and they'll always expect immediate attention. Return emails immediately and people will expect an immediate response.

In short, your actions give other people permission to keep you from working the way you work best.

A friend created an "emergency" email account; he responds to those immediately. Otherwise, his employees know he only checks his "standard" email a couple of times a day, and they act accordingly.

Figure out how you work best and "train" the people around you to let you be as productive as you possibly can.

32. Kill one report. You're not reading most of them anyway. And neither are your employees.

33. Say to yourself, "I will not care what other people think." Most of the time, we should worry about what other people think--but not if it stands in the way of living the lives we really want to live.

If you really want to start a business--which you can do in just a few hours, mind you--but you're worried that people might say you're crazy, do it anyway. Pick one thing you haven't tried because you're concerned about what other people would think or say and just go do it.

It's your life. Live it your way. You'll be a lot more productive--and a lot happier.

34. Kill one sign-off. I worked at a manufacturing plant where supervisors had to sign off on quality before a job could be run. Seemed strange to me--we trusted the operators to ensure jobs met standards throughout the run, so why couldn't we trust them to know if a job met quality standards before they started running?

You probably have at least one sign-off in place because somewhere along the way an employee made a major error and you don't want the same mistake to happen again. But in the process, you reduce the amount of responsibility your employees feel for their own work because you've inserted your authority into the process.

Train, explain, trust--and remove yourself from processes where you don't belong.

35. Fire one customer. You know the one: the high maintenance, low revenue, non-existent profits one.

Start charging more or providing less. If that's not possible, fire that customer.

36. Start listening to Accidental Creative. Aimed at members of the "creative economy," or those who view themselves as more creative than organized, Todd Henry's Accidental Creative podcast covers a range of topics including leveraging competition, minimizing regrets, and common leadership mistakes. Todd's weekly show shares his own insights as well as those of his guests, who include Dan Harris, Cal Newport, and Laura Vanderkam.

Try this episode: Do you prefer being liked or being effective?

37. Prune your to-do list. A to-do list with 20 or 30 items is not only daunting, it's also depressing. Why start when there's no way you can finish?

So you don't.

Try this instead. Create a wish list--use it to write down all the ideas, projects, tasks, etc., that occur to you. Make it your "would like to do" list.

Then pick three or four items off that list that will make the most difference. Pick the easiest tasks to accomplish, or the ones with the biggest payoff, or the ones that will eliminate the most pain.

Make that your to-do list. And then get it done.

Then go back and pick three or four more.

38. Cut one expense. Right now, you're spending money on something you don't use, don't need, or don't want. But since you buy it, you feel you have to use it. I subscribed to a number of magazines (because subscribing is really cheap compared with buying at the newsstand). Great--but then the magazines show up. Then I have to read them. If I don't, they sit around making me feel guilty.

So I dropped three or four. I don't miss them.

Often the biggest savings in cutting an expense isn't the actual cost; it's the time involved in doing or maintaining or consuming whatever the expense represents.

Pick one expense you can eliminate that will also free up time and effort: Your bottom line and your workday will thank you for it.

39. Drop one personal commitment. We all do things simply because we feel we should. Maybe you volunteer because a friend asked you to, but you feel no real connection to the cause you support. Maybe you have a weekly lunch with some old friends, but it feels more like a chore than a treat. Or maybe you keep trying to learn French just because once you started you didn't want to feel like a quitter.

Think about one thing you do out of habit, or because you think you're supposed to, or simply because you don't know how to get out of it--and then get out of it. The momentary pain--or in some cases, confrontation--of stepping down, dropping out, or letting go will be replaced quickly by a huge sense of relief.

Then you can use that time to do something you feel has real meaning.

Or just take a break.

40. Start reading Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth. I'm a big fan of grinding. (As you maybe can tell, a really big fan.) Every successful person I know works smart, but they also work hard--and they keep working in the face of obstacles and barriers and inevitable disappointment.

Want to accomplish something huge? Often, all it takes is grit: the willingness to keep going when others do not.

41. Say to yourself, "I will appreciate someone unappreciated." Some jobs require more effort than skill. Delivering packages, bagging groceries, checking out customers--the tasks themselves are relatively easy. The difference is in the effort.

So do more than say a reflexive "thanks" to someone who does a thankless job. Smile. Make eye contact. Exchange a kind word.

All around you are people who work hard with little or no recognition. Vow to be the person who recognizes at least one of them every day. Not only will you give respect, you'll earn the best kind of respect--the respect that comes from making a difference, however fleeting, in another person's life.

42. Create a window of reflection. Most small-business owners spend a lot more time reacting--to employee issues, customer requests, market conditions, etc.--than they do reflecting.

Eliminate 20 or 30 minutes of reacting time by creating a little quiet time. Close your door and think. Better yet, go for a walk. Exercise does more to bolster thinking than thinking does; walking just 40 minutes three days a week builds new brain cells and improves memory functions.

And don't worry that something bad will happen while you're gone--most of the time the issues you "avoid" will solve themselves.

43. Stop whining. Your words have power, especially over you. Whining about your problems makes you feel worse, not better.

If something is wrong, don't waste time complaining. Put that effort into making the situation better. Unless you want to whine about it forever, eventually you'll have to do that. So why waste time? Fix it now.

Don't talk about what's wrong. Talk about how you'll make things better, even if that conversation is only with yourself. And do the same with your friends or colleagues. Don't just be the shoulder they cry on. Friends don't let friends whine--friends help friends make their lives better.

44. Decide who will decide--from now on. Instead of making serial decisions, try making just one: Decide who will decide.

Say you regularly need to decide whether to expedite shipping because of work-in-progress delays. Instead of being the go-to decision maker, pick someone in the organization to make those decisions. Provide guidance, parameters, and advice, and turn that person loose. Then check in periodically to see if he or she needs more direction. That way you get to spend time figuring out how to eliminate the delays instead of dealing with the repercussions.

Almost every decision you currently make can be taken over by people you trust. How will you learn to trust them?

Teach, train, guide, verify. In time, you'll give your employees the authority and responsibility they've earned.

45. Start listening to The Tim Ferriss Show. Whether it's minimizing the workweek or maximizing your fitness, Tim Ferriss is all about the "minimum effective dose." Newsweek calls him "the world's best human guinea pig." Tim's weekly podcast shares the results of his own life experiments as well as those of many famous guests. Regardless of the guest or the topic, Ferriss always asks his guests about their morning rituals and habits for productivity.

Try this episode: What exactly are happiness hacks?

46. Every Sunday night, map out your week. Sunday evenings, sit down with your list of important objectives for the year and for each month. Those goals inform every week and help keep you on track. While long-range goals may not be urgent, they are definitely important. If you aren't careful, it's easy for "important" to get pushed aside by "urgent." Then look at your calendar for the week. You know what times are blocked out by meetings, etc., so look at what you want to accomplish and slot those tasks onto your to-do list.

The key is to create structure and discipline for your week. Otherwise, you'll just let things come to you, and urgent will push aside important.

47. Actively block out task time on your calendar. Everyone schedules meetings and appointments. Go a step further and block out time to complete specific tasks. Slot periods for "Write new proposal" or "Craft presentation" or "Review and approve marketing materials."

If you don't proactively block out that time, those tasks will slip. Or get interrupted. Or you'll lose focus. And important tasks won't actually get done.

48. Add times to your to-do list. Create to-do lists and don't assign times to each task and what happens? You always have more items on your to-do list than you can accomplish, and that also turns it into a wish list, not a to-do list. If you have six hours of meetings scheduled today and eight hours worth of tasks, then those tasks won't get done.

Assigning realistic times forces you to prioritize. Assigning realistic times also helps you stay focused. When you know a task should only take 30 minutes, you'll be more aggressive in weeding out or ignoring distractions.

49. Default to 30-minute meetings. Whoever invented the one-hour default in calendar software wasted millions of people-hours. Most subjects can be handled in 30 minutes. Many can be handled in 15 minutes--especially if everyone who attends knows the meeting is only going to last 15 minutes.

Don't be a slave to calendar tool defaults. Only schedule an hour if you absolutely know you'll need it.

50. Stop multitasking. During a meeting--especially an hourlong meeting--it's tempting to take care of a few mindless tasks. (Who hasn't cleaned up their inbox during a meeting?) The problem is that such split focus makes those meetings less productive. Even though you're only doing mindless stuff, still--you're distracted. And that makes you less productive.

Multitasking is a personal-productivity killer. Don't try to do two things partly well. Do one thing really well.

51. Obsess over leveraging edge time. Your biggest downtimes during the workday may be when you drive to work, when you drive home, and when you're in airports. So focus really hard on how to use that time. Schedule calls for your drive to work. At the airport, use Pocket, a browser plug-in that downloads articles. Loading up 10 articles ahead of time ensures you'll have plenty to read--plenty you want to read--while you're waiting in the security line.

Look at your day. Identify the downtimes. Then schedule things you can do during that time. Call it edge time--because it really can build a productive edge.

52. Start reading Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations by Dan Ariely. Payoff is a great look at how to better motivate employees. For example: While a bonus can result in a spike in worker productivity, it then declines to below what it was before the bonus was offered.

Gratitude and compliments are much more effective motivation. Like Dan says, "Acknowledgment is a kind of human magic."

When your employees are motivated and engaged, they're also more productive--which will also make you more productive.

53. Track your time. Once you start tracking your time, you'll be amazed by how much time you spend doing stuff that isn't productive. You don't have to get hyperspecific. The info you log can be directional, not precise.

Tracking your time is an eye-opening experience--and one that can really help you focus.

54. Be thoughtful about lunch. Your lunch can take an hour. Or 30 minutes. Or 10 minutes.

Whatever time it takes, be thoughtful about what you do. If you like to eat at your desk and keep chugging, fine. But if you benefit from using the break to recharge, lunch is one time where multitasking can be great: You can network, socialize, and help build your company's culture--but not if you're going out to lunch with the same people every day.

Pick two days a week to eat with people you don't know well. Or take a walk. Or do something personally productive. Say you take an hour for lunch each day; that's five hours a week. Be thoughtful about how you spend that time. You don't have to work, but you should make it work for you.

55. Say to yourself, "I will listen 10 times more than I speak." I used to talk a lot. I thought I was insightful and clever and witty and, well, I thought I was a real hoot. Occasionally, very occasionally, I might even have been one of those things.

Most of the time, I was not.

Genuinely confident people (here's how to tell if you're one of them) don't feel the need to talk. While I hate when it happens, I still sometimes realize I'm not talking because the other person is interested in what I have to say but because I'm interested in what I have to say. (Ick.)

You already know what you know. Listen and you'll find out what other people know.

56. Protect your family time. You're probably a bit of a workaholic, so be very thoughtful about your evenings. When you get home from work, make it family time: Have dinner as a family, help your kids with their homework. Completely shut down. No phone, no email.

Every family has peak times when they can best interact. If you don't proactively free up that time, you'll slip back into work stuff. Either be working or be home with your family. That means no phones at the table, no texts. Don't just be there; be with your family.

57. Stop controlling. Yeah, you're the boss. Yeah, you're the titan of industry. Yeah, you're the small tail that wags a huge dog.

Still, the only thing you really control is you. If you find yourself trying hard to control other people, you've decided that you, your goals, your dreams, or even just your opinions are more important than theirs.

Plus, control is short term at best, because it often requires force, or fear, or authority, or some form of pressure--none of those let you feel good about yourself.

Find people who want to go where you're going. They'll work harder--and you'll all have more fun.

58. Create self-esteem incentives for your employees. We all work harder when we feel respected and appreciated. (Obvious, but really easy to forget.)

Every employee is different, so think about the type of praise and recognition that has meaning to each person who works for you. For example, some people like to be praised publicly; others prefer a quiet private word. Then build incentives based on what makes the most impact. Have an employee lead a presentation to upper management. Place an employee in charge of an important project. Give an employee the opportunity to train in another department.

Employees work hard because it's their job, but employees work even harder when they feel good about themselves.

59. Start listening to The Productivityist Podcast. Self-described "productivity enthusiast" Mike Vardy hosts a weekly show that examines tactical time management techniques to boost efficiency and effectiveness. Recent shows have explored the topics of mindfulness, ADHD, tracking productivity data, and how to be productive while homeschooling your kids.

Try this episode: Why following a routine is so important. (In my case, he's definitely preaching to the choir.)

60. Eliminate one stupid thing. Every company and every job has a number of once meaningful but now worthless tasks.

Think about all the "that's how we've always done things" stuff. If a task doesn't directly impact sales, quality, productivity, or safety, get rid of it and free up that time.

Get rid of the stupid stuff and every employee gets more time to be a superstar.

61. Ask for one simple thing you could do to make someone's job easier. Everyone faces roadblocks and hurdles. Everyone deals with frustrations.

If you want to make someone's job easier--and therefore more productive--ask and you shall receive input. Just say, "What is one thing I could do to make your job easier?" The person will tell you.

Never force your employees to settle for a "same stuff, different day" work life: Status quo is a motivation and productivity killer.

62. Streamline expectations. I'm willing to bet that almost every time you assign a project, you can't resist adding a few "Hey, while you're at it, wouldn't it be great if you also ... " items.

Deciding what to do is important, but often deciding what not to do is even more important. Every position, every project, every initiative has a primary goal, and 90 percent of the effort of those involved should go to accomplishing that primary goal. Achievement is certainly based on effort, but achievement is also based on focus. Strip away the ancillary stuff, and turn your employees loose to get on with what is really important.

They'll not only do a better job, they'll have more time to devote to the next critical project.

63. Start reading The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle. We're all trying to learn new skills and improve old skills, and Coyle uses the science of performance to provide a great blueprint for getting really good at, well, anything.

Every time I try to learn something new, I follow his REPS approach: reaching and repeating; engagement; purposefulness; strong and speedy feedback. It works. Every time. And more quickly than any other approach I've tried.

Successfully try new things, and you'll try even more new things--and your life will be infinitely richer, whether professionally or personally.

64. Eliminate every "ego" commitment. We all do things that have more to do with ego than results.

Maybe you serve on a committee because you like how it looks on your CV. Maybe you teach at a local college because you like the words adjunct professor. Or maybe, like me, you do radio interviews just because it seems cool to be on the radio, though it in no way benefits me professionally. (There are a few I would do no matter what just because I like the hosts.)

Anything you do solely for ego is a waste of time. Think about things you do mainly because they make you look important, smart, or cool. If it provides no other "value," drop it.

Anything you do that serves the greater glory of you is a waste of time; besides, the best glory is reflected, not projected.

65. Don't struggle for that extra 5 percent. I'm fairly competitive, so when I start to do something I soon start wanting to do it better than other people. (OK, I'm overly competitive.)

Take cycling. I'm faster, fitter, etc., than the average person. But compared with the fast guys, I'm nothing. They can drop me within a few miles. And it drives me crazy. That makes me ride more and train more and spend tons of hours on a bike--and for what? So I can hang with them for a couple more miles? So my time up a certain mountain is only 30 percent slower than theirs instead of 40 percent?

This kind of improvement has no real importance. Sure, I may get in better shape, but at that point the improvement to my overall health is incremental at best. And, in the meantime, I have to spend hours on cycling I could spend working toward more important goals.

Or I could just spend more time with my family, the most important goal of all.

Think about something you already do well but are trying hard to do even better. Then weigh the input with the outcome.

Sometimes "good" truly is good enough, especially if that 5 percent gain is hugely disproportionate to the pain required to reach it.

66. Find the perfect way to say no. Most of us default to saying yes because we don't want to seem rude or unfriendly or unhelpful. Unfortunately, that also means we default to taking on more than we want or can handle.

It's important to know how, with grace and tact, to say no. Maybe your response will be as simple as, "I'm sorry, but I just don't have time."

Develop your own way of saying no and then rehearse so it comes naturally. That way you won't say yes simply because you think you should--you'll say yes because you know it's right for you.

67. Eliminate useless "me time" commitments. I used to play fantasy baseball and football. But when I thought about it, I had no idea why. Sure, I could rationalize it created a nice break in the week. I could rationalize it was a "mental health" activity that let me step aside from the stress and strain of business life.

I could, but that wasn't true. I just did it because I had always done it, and once I start every year I don't want to quit because, um, I'm not a quitter. (I know that sounds stupid, but I'm willing to bet you do at least one thing for the same reasons.)

Look at the things you do because you've always done them and decide if it's time to stop. Here's an easy test: If you wouldn't do something while you were on vacation, there's no good reason to do it when you're not.

68. Say to yourself, "I will try to do better." We've all screwed up. We all have things we could have done better. Words. Actions. Omissions. Failing to step up, step in, or be supportive.

Successful people don't expect to be perfect, but they do think they can always be better.

So think back on yesterday. Think about what went well. Then think about what didn't go as well as it could have and take ownership. Take responsibility.

And promise yourself that today, you will do a lot better.

69. Set hard limits. Deadlines and time frames establish parameters, but typically not in a good way. We instinctively adjust our effort so our activities take whatever time we let them take.

Tasks should take only as long as they need to take--or as long as you decide they should take.

Try this: Decide you'll spend only 10 minutes a day on social media. Just 10.

The first day you'll get frustrated because you won't get everything done you "need" to get done. The second day you'll instinctively skip a few feeds because they're not as important. The third day you'll reprioritize and maybe use a tool like Buffer to get better organized. By the fifth day, you'll realize 10 minutes is plenty of time to do what you need to do; all that other time you used to spend was just fluff.

Pick a task, set a time limit, and stick to that time limit. Necessity, even artificial necessity, is the mother of creativity. I promise you'll figure out how to make it work.

70. Establish a nighttime routine ...

The first thing you do is the most important thing you do, because it sets the tone for the rest of the day.

So be smart and prepare for that "first thing" the night before. Make a list. Make a few notes. Review information. Prime yourself to hit the ground at an all-out sprint the next day; a body in super-fast motion tends to stay in super-fast motion.

71. ... and a morning routine.

Make sure you can get to that task as smoothly as possible. Pretend you're an Olympic sprinter and your morning routine is like the warmup for a race. Don't dawdle, don't ease your way into your morning, and don't make sure you get some "me" time (hey, sleep time is me time). Get up, get cleaned up, get fueled up--and start rolling.

My elapsed time from bed to desk is about 15 minutes (easy since my commute is two flights of stairs), so there's not much I can improve. So I do something else; I get my most important task done before I check email.

Think about it this way: Sprinters don't do cool-down laps before they race. Neither should you.

72. Start listening to ProdPodTwo minutes. That's how short each episode of Ray Sidney-Smith's ProdPod productivity podcast is. However, a lot of actionable information is packed into every episode. Recent topics include rewarding yourself for reaching your goals, Kaizen, and several book summaries. No matter how busy you are, you can definitely make time for ProdPod' episodes.

Try this episode: You deserve this reward for being productive.

73. Outsource the right tasks. I was raised to think that any job I could do myself was a job I should do myself. That's why it took me a long time to decide the kid down the street should cut my grass. He can use the money. I can use the time.

But that's a simple example. Here's an even better approach: Write down the two or three things you do that generate the most tangible return. Maybe it's selling. Maybe it's developing your employees. Maybe it's building long-term customer relationships.

Me? I make the most money when I'm writing; anything else I do that takes me away from writing limits my ability to generate revenue.

Figure out the two or three things that you do best, and that generate the best return on your time. Then strip away all the other "stuff" by outsourcing those tasks. (Or, oftentimes, by simply eliminating those tasks.)

74. Start reading The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. We are what we do, and what we do is based on our habits. Duhigg shows how to take bad habits and turn them into good ones--and how organizations can change their habits too.

Want to be happy? Change your habits. It's that simple. (And, of course, that complicated.)

It's worth it, though, because changing a habit really can change your life.

75. Fix what you often break. I used to be terrible about putting meetings and phone calls on my calendar. I figured I'd get to it later, and then I never did. Then I spent way too much time, often in a panic, trying to figure out when and where and who ...

All that time was wasted time. So I finally decided I would immediately enter every appointment into my calendar the moment I made it--no matter what.

You probably have at least one thing you tend to mess up. Maybe you don't file stuff properly. Maybe you put off dealing with certain emails and then forget them. Maybe you regularly find you're unprepared for a call or meeting.

Whatever your "things" are, fix them. You'll save time and aggravation.

76. Change the way you measure tasks. Over time, we all develop our own ways to measure our performance. Maybe you focus on time to complete, or quality, or end result. Each is effective, but sticking with one or two could cause you to miss opportunities to improve.

Say you focus on meeting standards; what if you switched it up and focused on time to complete?

Measuring your performance in different ways forces you to look at what you regularly do from a new perspective.

77. Do the opposite of what you normally do.Think of this one as the George Costanza approach.

If you haven't reached a goal, then what you're currently doing isn't working.

Instead of tweaking your approach, change it. Pick one goal you're struggling to achieve and take a different tack. If you're hoping to finish a marathon and endless long runs aren't paying off, try interval training instead. Sometimes small adjustments eventually pay off, but occasionally you just need to blow things up and start over.

78. Rework your workday. Get up earlier. Get up later. Take care of emails an hour after you start work. Eat at your desk.

Pick one thing you do on a regular basis, preferably something you do for no better reason than that is the way you always do it (which makes it comfortable), and do that one thing in a different way or at a different time.

Familiarity doesn't always breed contempt. Sometimes familiarity breeds complacency, and complacency is a progress and improvement killer.

79. Adopt someone else's habit. Successful people are often successful because of the habits they create and maintain.

Take a close look at the people who are successful in your field. What do they do on a regular basis? Then adopt one of their habits and make it your own.

Never reinvent a wheel when a perfect wheel already exists.

80. Teach another person something you want to do better. When I teach, I learn more than the people I'm trying to teach. (Hopefully that says more about the process of teaching than it does about my teaching abilities.)

When you mentor another person, you accomplish more than just helping someone else.

You learn a few things about yourself--and hopefully find new inspiration and motivation in the process.

81. Start listening to Back to Work. Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin bring together a great talk show about productivity, constraints, tools, and communication. While each episode lasts an average of an hour and a half, listeners are entertained by the duo's funny antics on the side. Unlike most of the other podcasts that offer quick actionable tips, Back to Work offers a deeper look at important topics, including work, identity, and expectations. Not your ordinary podcast.

Try this episode: Merlin and Dan talk about getting out of your own head.

82. Help a person who needs help. Don't wait to be asked. Pick someone who is struggling and offer to help.

But don't just say, "Is there some way I can help you?" Be specific: Offer to help with a specific task, or to take over a task for a few days, or to work side by side.

A general offer is easy to brush aside. A specific offer not only shows you want to help, it also shows you care.

Help a person who doesn't seem to need help. Think about it: Compared with others, the best-performing people don't need help. So they rarely get help. And as a result, they're often lonely, at least in a professional sense.

So offer to help with a specific task. Not only will you build a nice interpersonal bridge, but some of their better skills or qualities might rub off on you as well.

83. Help anyone. Few things feel better than helping someone in need. Take a quick look around; people less fortunate than you are everywhere.

For example, I conducted an interview skills seminar for prison inmates (after all, who needs to know how to deal with tough interview questions more than a convicted felon?). It took only an hour of my time and was extremely rewarding.

Most of the inmates were touchingly grateful that someone--anyone--cared enough to want to help them. I got way more out of the experience than they did.

84. Use a notebook. Richard Branson has said on more than one occasion that he wouldn't have been able to build Virgin without a simple notebook, which he takes with him wherever he goes.

How many great ideas have you forgotten? Ultra-productive people free their minds by writing everything down.

85. Only process email a few times a day. Ultra-productive people don't check email throughout the day. They don't respond to each vibration or ding to see who has intruded their inbox.

Instead, like everything else, they schedule time to process their email quickly and efficiently.

86. Call your parents. Seriously. They miss you and will love hearing from you. And you'll feel better about yourself.

87. Cancel a meeting. Here's Mark Cuban's approach to meetings: "Never take meetings unless someone is writing a check."

Meetings are notorious time killers. They start late, have the wrong people in them, meander from topic to topic, and always run long. Get out of meetings whenever you can, hold fewer of them, and if you do run a meeting, keep it short.

88. Create theme days. Highly successful people often theme days of the week to focus on major areas. Maybe Friday is financial and admin. Maybe Monday is reengaging with current customers.

The goal: batch your work to maximize your efficiency and effectiveness.

89. Only touch things one time. How many times have you opened a piece of regular mail--an invoice, perhaps--and then put it down only to deal with it again later? How often do you read an email, and then close it and leave it in your inbox to deal with later?

Highly successful people try to "touch it once." If it takes less than five or 10 minutes--whatever it is--they deal with it immediately. Doing so reduces stress since it won't be in the back of their mind, and it's more efficient since they won't have to read or evaluate the item again in the future.

90. Do one thing you've been afraid to do.

We're all afraid: of what might or might not happen, of what we can't change, of what we won't be able to do, or of how other people might perceive us. So it's easier to hesitate, to wait for the right moment, to decide we need to think a little longer or do some more research or explore a few more alternatives.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

9 Things Your Company Should Spend Money on This Year

One of the biggest opportunities created by increased optimism is that businesses and consumers will have a greater appetite to spend. Spend your money on advertising, sales people, geographic expansion, experience development, and capital raising to capture a share of those bigger customer budgets.

1. Advertising. You can get an attractive return on investment from buying the right kinds of advertising. First, analyze which groups of customers buy your product, why they buy, and what media they like to consume. With that information, you should be able to create the right message to reach them when they are getting ready to spend.

2. Sales people. While I have seen a few companies that build products that sell themselves, most need sales people to boost revenue. If you want to capture a share of growth opportunities, you should spend money on great sales people. If you make the right hiring decisions, your company will grow faster.

3. Geographic expansion. One of the most common ways companies grow is by finding new customers in parts of the world where they don't already operate. To expand geographically, you can give your sales people bigger travel budgets, or open up a sales office in a new geography or partner with a distributor there.

Urge for experiences over things

Millennials are the largest demographic segment, and they are likely to enjoy a boost in their incomes as employers compete for their services. This means their preferences will become bigger opportunities.

Of those preferences, one of the most significant for your business could be Millennials' desire for experiences over things.

If you want to capture a share of their budgets, this could mean looking for ways to offer your products in the context of an experience. For example, rather than selling skis, you could sell ski weekends in which your skis would be a part.

4. Experience development. To make such a shift, your company should spend on hiring people who can conceive, market, and deliver such "experience" services.

Easier access to capital

The constraints that keep equity and debt providers from writing checks to companies are likely to loosen up this year. That's because leading capital providers will invest more aggressively, enjoy highly visible wins in the initial public offering market, and fear that they are falling behind unless they follow their peers.

5. Capital raising. Your company should spend time and money to meet with such capital providers, present your case for capital, and raise as much as you can during this period of loose money. If you succeed, you should be careful how you spend the funds so you can survive the inevitable shakeout that will follow the bursting bubble that looms ahead.


Competition for talent

With the unemployment rate at 4.6 percent and a likely boost in economic growth, your employees could find themselves in high demand from other employers.

If this happens, you could lose your best people even as your need for their services increases while your company seeks to satisfy growing customer demand.

The combination of losing talented people and rising revenue could threaten your company's profitability and even endanger its reputation.

Fortunately, there are ways to protect your company from this threat.

6. Create a compelling culture. Small companies offer talented people a chance to make more of a difference than they could in a large organization. You should spend 20 percent of your time creating and cultivating a culture that attracts and motivates talent.

7. Pay referral bonuses. You can boost the odds of keeping your best people and bringing in new talent by paying bonuses to employees who refer new people your company hires.

8. Build an onsite health club. Another way to keep employees happy is to provide them with a place where they can exercise during the day. If you don't operate an onsite health club, give employees membership discounts at nearby clubs or open one in in your building.

Rising employee pay

Even though money is not the primary motivator for employees, people still need to pay their bills. Moreover, inflation is likely to increase, which will put more economic pressure on your employees and make a higher paycheck more compelling to your talented people.

9. Make your pay competitive. Keep track of how much your competitors are paying people and make sure your company pays as much if not more.

Spending on these nine things will help your company capture the opportunities that lie ahead and protect itself from threats.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

32 Easy Exercises to Boost Your Creativity Everyday

• To make it into a habit, schedule "15 minutes of creativity" into your calendar and try a different exercise each day.
• Draw something--fruit, your coffee cup, your dog, cat, children--for 5-10 minutes. Just draw, don't judge and don't erase.
• Draw an apple a day using a different technique each day, for a week. My friend Ken Carbone did this daily, for 365 days.
• Buy a set of color pencils. Draw parallel lines freehand or with a ruler. Color them in a la Paul Smith.
• Use a drawing program on your i-Pad, my favorite is SketchPad, to draw half of something and have the mirror effect draw the other half. Try symmetrical things like bottles, vases, forks, pencils.
• Take your sketchbook to a concert and sketch or write ideas that pop into your head as you're listening to music.
• Make something new, funny or weird with objects lying on your desk.
• Collect a bunch of things from your recycling bin. Combine them together to make an abstract sculpture. Use a hot glue gun or lots of tape to hold it together.
• Look up a word in the dictionary, and then look up the word before and after. Make up a short story using the three words (loosely inspired by Twyla Tharp, from her book The Creative Habit).
• Make new things with paper clips (earrings, letters of the alphabet, a heart). See how many things you can make in 5 minutes.
• Find one thing that starts with the first letter of your first name and another with the first letter of your last name. Mash them together to make a new thing: Apple for Ayse + Bus for Birsel = Apple shaped bus. Draw it.
• Draw something on your desk, i.e. your stapler, without looking at your hand in 5 minutes. Cover your hand and drawing with a paper towel to not cheat. When done, take away the towel. Tadaaa! You'll be amazed.
• Pick a song you love and sing it with new lyrics.
• Write a poem about your day in the style of your favorite poet (Maya Angelou for example).
• Take a photo, or a selfie, open it in Photoshop or PowerPoint and write HELLO! in large letters in a fun font, save as PDF and attach it to your emails for the day.
• Take a compound word made up of two words. Separate them. Replace one of the words with a new word to make up new compound word. List as many combinations as you can.
• Go to a museum with your sketchbook and draw a painting or a sculpture that inspires you (if you can't take the time, go outside your door and draw a tree or a mailbox). It doesn't matter how crude or crooked your drawing and I guarantee that you will never forget what you just drew.
• Write something you want to solve in your notebook before you go to sleep. Sleep on your problem and let your subconscious do the work. When you wake up, ideate in your notebook.
• Look at clouds and imagine them as things, just like when you were a kid.
• Borrow your kid's Playdo and make a sculpture for 15 minutes. Use Henry Moore, Isamu Noguchi or Brancusi as inspiration.
• Next borrow your kids Legos and make a plan for your dream house, pool included. You can also do this virtually on Minecraft.
• Cover your table completely with large easel paper. Draw on it large, free style, stream of consciousness, using a Sharpie (make sure Sharpie doesn't seep through) for 10 minutes or until the whole table is covered. Tape it all together and tack it on your wall.
• Take 5 minutes to write a haiku (Japanese style 3 line poem with a 5-7-5 syllable structure) about your day or night.
• Next time you're cooking, change a key ingredient and experiment.
• Gather materials (foil, q-tips, wire pipe cleaners, colorful paper or post-its, paper clips, some string, buttons, pushpins, and any other odds and ends) and glue them together to make something. If you have young kids, do this together.
• Channel Stefan Sagmeister, the graphic designer and author of Things I have learned in my life so far. Formulate your life's motto and write it in sugar or salt, or with flowers, or make a sketch of how you'd like to write it in a forest or across a pool.
• Mash up very new and very old technology and play with new ideas. Uber + Horse Carts. Apple Watch + Sun dial. Write and draw them.
• Do any page of Keri Smith's Wreck This Journal. My favorite: FIGURE OUT A WAY TO ATTACH THESE TWO PAGES.
• Print a portrait of someone you love or admire. Put tracing paper over it and redraw their face. Don't judge and don't erase. Try this with your own face for a self-portrait.
• Collect branches that look like letters on one of your hikes and write your name with them when you're home. Take a photo and post on Instagram.
• Draw something without lifting your pen.
• Learn how to draw something realistically, like an eye on this YouTube tutorial (this will take more than 15 minutes).
• Take a different route home and take photographs of the new things you see along the way. Post on Instagram, #creativeeveryday.

8 Cheap Culture-Building Perks Your Employees Will Love

1. Allow Remote Work

Unless you absolutely must have your employees working in the office, punching the clock, and reporting for duty, then one perk you could offer is allowing them to work remotely. Allowing for remote work tells employees you trust them, and it gives them the freedom to work at their own pace from wherever they feel most comfortable.

It costs you virtually nothing and makes life easier for employees, especially those with young children and scheduling issues.

"By allowing employees to work remotely, you can hire the best of the best while not limiting yourself by geographical restrictions," says Simon Slade, CEO and co-founder of Affilorama. "Nineteen of our 28 employees work remotely, and I have seen no difference in job satisfaction or work performance. If anything, my remote employees' production rate is higher because they are better equipped to avoid distractions."

2. Compensate Community Outreach

Employees of all ages want to be active in their local communities - some through outreach and community service programs, others through their church or programs they started themselves. A great, affordable way to give back to employees is by helping them make time for those activities and even compensating them for that time.

Southwest Airlines has a program similar to this, with their employees working to support Ronald McDonald House Charities.

3. Simple Concierge Services

Employees lead busy lives outside of the workplace, and anything you can do to make their lives a little easier is going to be appreciated. It costs very little to lighten their loads by making concierge services available to employees. This can include anything from picking up dry cleaning to getting car washes, grabbing grocery items, paying a bill, or dropping off paperwork. The less your employees stress about their personal lives, the more they can focus on their work.

"We'll have a large company and they'll say 'We want to give back to our employees - they're working 60-80 hours per week; what can you do for us?'" says Dustyn Shroff, COO of One Concierge in Boca Raton, Florida. "We're providing services to employees that don't have time to fulfill them...Basically whatever an individual doesn't have time to do themselves, we do it."

Taking a little bit of the load off their shoulders might be just what your employees need to focus and help you achieve consistent and sustainable growth.

4. Employee Discounts

If your company sells products, then give your employees a larger discount than they might expect. Many companies provide a standard 10-15% discount. Give them 50% or more. You could even go so far as to provide employees with free product, and/or extend a large discount to their families and friends.

You may be discounting more frequently this way, but it will also bring new business and happier employees.

5. Open a Tab for Employees

If you want a perk your employees will love, and it entails bonding time for more meaningful workplace connections, then open a tab at the local watering hole or restaurant. Set a policy so that if three or more employees are together, then drinks are on the tab. You can set whatever limitations you like on frequency, but it's best to leave it open for when your team members want to get together. This promotes socialization among team members and can foster a more casual environment in which your employees are more open with each other.

6. Hire Recommendation Incentives

Some companies offer sizable bonuses in the hundreds and even thousands of dollars for recommending a new hire who works out and stays with the company past a certain point. It's a great way to source talent. If you currently don't have the ability to offer large cash rewards, then consider other incentives like extra paid time off, vacation days, or a handful of "I don't feel like coming to work today" coupons. It will save you quite a bit of money, and it's a win-win because employees love having extra paid time off.

"When a growing company like ours looks for top talent who fit within our dynamic culture, it's important to use our most valued asset to help recruit: our employees," says Kate Pope, manager of talent acquisition at Achievers. "Job boards, sourcing tools, and job fairs can be a huge expense. We would much rather invest our dollars back into our employees by rewarding them for helping us find A-Players."

7. Give Rewards Points Away

Companies often accumulate a ton of points and miles with all the purchases put on the company's credit cards. A great perk that costs you virtually nothing is to turn those rewards over to employees as incentives for project completions and on-the-job performance. In tight financial times, employees appreciate the extra compensation with points, gift cards, and travel packages.

8. Buy Movie Tickets in Bulk

This is another great way to reward employees and get them to go out together as part of a team. Buy movie tickets in bulk and give them away to your teams as an added perk, with extras that allow them to bring family on some occasions. It'll keep everyone happy, and bulk quantities of tickets are usually offered at cheaper prices than retail.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

24 of the Most Powerful Life Lessons

1. Make yourself necessary and you will always be needed. If you want to feel successful, learn to create, innovate or design something other people can use and need.

2. Your thoughts are like boomerangs. What you pass along to others is what will come back to you.

3. You are more defined by what comes out of your mouth than what goes in it. The way you speak and the things you say have power. Speech gives us the power to create or destroy.

4. The journey of your success will always begin with the small step of taking a chance. In business, in relationships, and in life, it all begins with a small step grounded in a desire to be better and do better.

5. Your education is never complete. Determine to live fully and continually learn. Prepare for what life has to teach by being open to the lessons in everything you do and experience.

6. Don't allow the voice of your fears to be louder than the other voices in your head. Make sure the voice of reason, the voice of belief, the voice of confidence are all strong enough to drown it out.

7. A good reputation is more valuable than money. Your reputation is built on the foundation of your character; it entails the words you speak and the actions you take. Take care of your character above all other things and your reputation will take care of itself.

8. You never really lose until you stop trying. The words I can't never accomplish anything. I'll try, on the other hand, can perform wonders. Until you try you don't know what you can do.

9. You get more by giving more. Success doesn't result from how much you get but from how much you give. If you want an abundant life, give as much as you can.

10. Rule your mind or it will rule you. When you rule your mind by controlling negativity and doubt, you rule your world. The choice is yours to make every day.

11. Great heroes are truly humble. Most of us underrate the importance of humility. It's an important skill because it keeps you teachable, regardless of how much you already know.

12. Defeat isn't bitter if you're smart enough not to swallow it. At one time or another we will all experience failure. In fact, the more we are willing to risk, the more we will fail. The trick is to think of failure not as the end but as part of the process.

13. Your thoughts are powerful, make them positive. To have a life that's more abundant and more successful, you must think in the limitless terms of abundance and success. Thinking is among the greatest powers we possess, and it's our choice to use it negatively or positively.

14. Forgiveness benefits two people--the giver and receiver. The bravest and the smartest thing you can do in a bad situation is to forgive and move on. Don't allow grudges and grievances to add to the weight you carry on the road to your own success.

15. The word impossible contains its opposite: "I'm possible." What impossible may be a matter of a limited point of view. Allow no limiting beliefs to restrict your outlook on life.

16. Preparation is a stepping stone to success. As the old saying goes, failing to prepare means preparing to fail. Success can be defined as being totally prepared.

17. You are constantly creating your own reality. Your reality is built out of your thoughts, so remember how much power you have. What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.

18. You are in control of your own heaven or hell. You're the master of your own destiny. You may not always be able to control your circumstances and environment, but how you respond is always within your control.

19. Envy consumes itself. And if you give it a foothold in your life, it will take you with it.

20. You can become bitter or better as a result of your circumstances. Your attitude is always up to you. No matter the circumstance, remind yourself that you have a choice. It's up to you to get the results you want.

21. Those who seldom make mistakes seldom stumble upon new innovation. Mistakes are proof that you're trying, creating, exploring and discovering. Every success story, every fulfilled life needs mistakes. We may think of mistakes as meaning you've done something wrong, but in truth they mean you're doing something right.

22. It's in losing yourself that you find yourself. The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are, and the second greatest is being happy with what you find.

23. When you're facing the right direction, all you need to do is keep walking. If you're lucky enough to know what you want, you can apply your passion and always love what you do. If you're still working to discover what you want, keep exploring. Either way, stay persistent and determined.

24. Be grateful every day, because that's the source of true power. The most important power lies in a grateful heart. Practice turning your thoughts toward appreciation and thanksgiving, because that is where you will find your gifts, strength and power.

12 Negative Habits You Should Give Up If You Want to Be Successful

1. Eating a sugar-filled breakfast.

Nothing gives you a quicker burst of energy and a quicker crash than sugar. If you are one of those people who eat a big helping of fruit for breakfast, no wonder you're chugging coffee two hours later to stay awake. Keep sugars in your diet to a minimum, and retrain your body to find energy in longer-lasting carbohydrates (like oatmeal) for breakfast.

2. Watching TV in the morning.

I did an experiment with myself recently. Every morning for a week I would watch TV while I ate breakfast, and then compared that with how I felt listening to classical music and reading a book every morning with my breakfast. The difference was astonishing. The week of TV left me feeling groggy and deflated. The week of reading alongside classical music had my brain overflowing with ideas. I highly recommend the latter.

3. Always showing up late.

One of my old co-workers lived by the phrase "If you're on time, you're late." He's right. If you are always showing up right on the dot, or worse, after the dot, then you are setting a poor precedent for yourself. Besides, you will be far more effective when you have 5-10 minutes to mentally prepare ahead of time.

4. Hitting the snooze alarm.

Each night, when you set your alarm for the next morning, you are making a promise to yourself. You are saying, "I promise to wake up at this time and start my day with energy and excitement." And then your alarm goes off, you rub your eyes, look at the clock, and decide to hit snooze. You are breaking your first promise of the day before you've even gotten out of bed. Don't do that. It's bad for morale.

5. Not eating lunch.

The people who go all day and don't eat end up leaving work exhausted, "hangry," and much more willing to succumb to other equally unhealthy habits. It's important, no matter how busy you are, for you to take time to keep your body and mind working effectively.

6. Saying yes to things you don't actually want to do.

Your gut is telling you no, so why aren't you listening?

7. Trying to do too many things at once.

There is no such thing as multitasking--this is something I write about a lot. You can truly do only one thing at a time, and by splitting your focus and trying to do two things simultaneously, you end up doing yourself a disservice. As the old adage goes, "Chase two rabbits, lose both."

8. Constantly checking your phone.

You know that feeling where you think your phone just vibrated in your pocket, but it really didn't? That's a habit--and it's a habit because we are constantly on the lookout for a distraction. Try to keep the phone-checking to a minimum. You don't need to refresh your email every 37 seconds.

9. "Hanging out."

It's a simple question of what you really want in life. I can tell you, "hanging out" with people has become a luxury--similar to a glass of wine. It's not intended to be had on a daily basis. It's supposed to be enjoyed, intentionally. If you have big goals, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but time spent "just hanging out" with people needs to be kept to a minimum. Find people you want to spend time with because you're both working toward similar goals.

10. Blaming people instead of taking accountability.

Blaming other people does you no good. It removes or postpones your asking the right questions for you to learn your own lessons and move forward effectively. Instead, point the finger at yourself and look for ways you could have handled things better and how you can improve for next time.

11. Staying stuck in the "go" mentality.

Too many people view time off and self reflection as a waste of time. They feel like they always need to be going or working on something. Now, I am all for goal setting and pushing yourself to become the best at whatever it is you do, but do remember the clarity that comes with self reflection. Sometimes, one step back is what you need to do to move five steps forward.

12. Spending unnecessary money.

I'm sorry, but if you are buying tables at clubs (especially if you are still knee-deep in your building years) or using spending as a foundation for your self worth, then you are on the fast track to unhappiness. Real wealth is built through saving and investing--not blowing it as fast as you acquire it. Be a boss. Stack, invest, stack, invest.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

07 Tips for Handling Hostility Wisely

It's amazing how poorly people can behave, especially when it comes to money. Passions run high and manifest through their speech. You would think when something is so important that people would behave wisely, but the opposite tends to be true. Money stirs issues of being not important, which stirs emotions, which stirs vicious speech. When working in the business world, you would do well to learn how to wisely and effectively respond to mean behavior.

Oftentimes, respectfully helping a person see their poor behavior is sufficient to change it. Once they realize how they are acting, they tend to back off, provided you hold up a mirror to what they are doing in a proper manner. The following points suggest a way to properly hold up the mirror -- allowing them to see how they are behaving -- as well as what not to do. The technique you choose depends upon the person you are dealing with, as well as your personal style. No article can tell you what your style is; you have to find it for yourself. These tips can help.

1. "It's not okay."

Sometimes a simple, firm, yet respectful statement like "It's not okay to speak that way" works well. You're simply letting the person know their behavior is not constructive but is, in fact, destructive and hurtful. If you can communicate these sorts of statements from a neutral, calm, yet firm stance, they will almost always hear it.

2. Just don't respond.

Sometimes the most effective way to hold up a mirror is to simply say nothing. When people are behaving badly, on some level deep inside, they know it. You might just be silent and not respond, perhaps looking down at the ground with a completely non-confrontational stance. What you're doing here is inviting them to take a look at how they are behaving. If they are really being hostile and continue to be aggressive, you might just respectfully walk away, saying, "Perhaps we should discuss this another time."

3. Don't inflame.

None of these points work if you are coming from a charged place of bitterness or resentment within yourself. When somebody is being vicious, being vicious back never works. All you do is inflame the situation and invite further confrontation. You may want to tell them off, but you gain nothing by doing that. If you need to rant and rave over how poorly you've been treated, do it when they are not around. Also, be sure you're not badmouthing or gossiping when you do it.

4. Be the hero.

View another's boorish behavior as an opportunity to gain respect. If you handle the situation maturely, they will know it in their quiet moments of reflection afterward. Furthermore, other people will become aware of the dignity with which you handled the situation, and you will thereby gain respect.

5. Understanding and acknowledgement.

Let the person know you want to understand their feelings and perspective. If you don't understand them, ask for more information in a civil tone. They need to know that you really want to hear what they have to say. It's as if you're on the same side of the fence and are asking them for their help so you can understand them. Asking such questions can get them out of the anger mode and into the information mode. This can lead to problem solving the situation together.

6. Suggest consequences.

Simply point out that the bad-tempered behavior is undermining this person's ability to get what they want. Suggest the concept of "you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar." Explain to them that people are much more inclined to be accommodating when dealt with kindly and respectfully. Bad-tempered behavior elicits the opposite response from what is desired and prevents people from wanting to deal with them in the future.

7. Talk to who they are.

Understand that offensive behavior is just on the surface of who they are. When speaking to them, talk to the deeper place within them -- the person with integrity, honor, conscience and feelings. Understand that there are delicate, vulnerable feelings that underlie the defensive or aggressive surface behavior.

Monday, January 2, 2017

07 Behaviors of Successful People

Why just admire successful people when you could be successful yourself? Success isn't all about luck. It's about focus, determination, optimism and hard work. Changing your mindset and behaviors can be tricky at first, but the payoff -- quite literally -- is worth the extra effort. Below are seven specific behaviors that successful people practice in their daily lives.

1. Make things happen instead of waiting for them to happen.

Successful people and lazy people don't mix well. Those who achieve real success understand that waiting around for their dreams to come true only wastes their time and potential. Instead of complaining about undesirable circumstances, they discover ways to overcome their challenges. Successful people throw excuses out the window and set out to make things happen the way they want them to happen.  

2. Focus on the journey, not the destination.

The journey to success is paved with valuable life lessons, triumph and inevitable failure -- which you can learn from too if you have the right attitude. Successful people stop to smell the roses now and then, enjoying the journey to success while keeping track of time. Rather than focusing on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, those familiar with success concentrate on the rainbow itself. This makes for a much more satisfying journey. 

3. Challenge the status-quo.

"Business as usual" isn't going to change the world. There's a reason why people like Elon Musk and Bill Gates are wildly successful, and that reason is an affinity for innovation. Every day, startups are challenging norms by doing the unthinkable. Businesses are bringing modern healthcare to the home, delivering just about anything within a couple of hours and building robots to help with day-to-day tasks. You name it, and it's out there. This doesn't mean that everything's already been done -- more than 627,000 American businesses open each year. It's your job to stand apart from the rest.

4. Keep learning.

Success comes to a screeching halt once someone thinks they're finished learning. No matter how much you think you know, someone out there always knows something you don't -- and successful people like it that way. Those who are serious about achieving success enjoy the constant pursuit of knowledge. They never settle with the knowledge they already have. As basketball legend John Wooden once put it, "It's what you learn after you know it all that counts."  

5. Focus on the possible, not the impossible.

Moaning and groaning has never gotten anyone anywhere. Successful people don't dwell on the challenges they encounter as they work toward their goals. Instead, they maintain a "sky's the limit" mentality by placing emphasis on what's still possible. With each roadblock, they reroute with their goals to the forefront of their minds.

The same people also understand that reformulating the question "How can I accomplish this?" can lead to a fresh perspective and open new doors. Obstacles are only as tough as you make them out to be. 

6. Surround yourself with smart and accomplished people.

"If you want to be wealthy, hang out with wealthy people. If you want to be funny, hang out with funny people. And if you want to be poor, hang out with poor people." It's unknown who furnished this timeless advice, but it is known that the sentiment holds true. Those you spend your time with gradually shape your behaviors and your mindset. 

If there's something you want to achieve or someone you want to become, you should find complementary qualities in friends, coworkers and family. Successful people build a comfortable network of positive, intelligent and accomplished individuals. Such a network not only eases them into success-building thought patterns and behaviors, but also offers them a place to brainstorm and receive support.

7. Never give up.

The most impressive successes are those that are hardest to reach. Successful people are capable of viewing each stumble and fall as only a temporary setback. Failures are opportunities to learn and start anew, not throw their hands up and walk away. In fact, many successful people are opportunists who appreciate failures. To team, failures mean their efforts are legitimate and dynamic.

06 Bad Habits You Must Break to Succeed

Many of the young entrepreneurs I meet through my work as a writer, investor and entrepreneur aren't reaching their full potential. What's more, they have no idea why. They have great ideas for their startups and financial backing to make it a reality. But no matter how hard they try, they keep coming up short.

Is this you? Do you believe you should be successful but can't get quite where you want to be?  

If so, I'm willing to bet you're letting a few bad habits run in the background, without your knowledge. Bad habits often go unnoticed, like a slow leak in a car tire. Until one day, when you're on the side of the road without any advance warning there's a problem. 

Success requires technical skills as well as the grit, focus and energy to carry you for the long haul. Success also demands self-knowledge. You must be able to see yourself and your habits clearly so you can change them before they stunt your potential.

Take a look at the list below and be brutally honest: Do any of them ring a bell? 

1. You're a perfectionist.

This is one of the worst ways you can sabotage yourself. If you live in fear of doing a task wrong, you won't be able to begin. The stress of being perfect freezes up creativity and joy, making your task longer, more difficult and not as fun. 

Give yourself permission to create imperfectly. Make drafts knowing you won't include some or most of what you're doing. You always can edit what you've begun. Greatness comes from many failures and do-overs.

2. You're compulsively distracted.

Surfing the internet, answering a call, getting a snack, texting someone back quickly while you're in the middle of something -- it all pulls you away from intense focus. If you're constantly interrupting yourself, you can't get into the swing of things. You could be setting yourself up to waste your whole day.  

Turn off your distractions, close your door and focus for a set period of time. If you need to call, text or eat, give yourself a set break to do so. And then have the discipline to return to the task at hand. 

3. You hit the snooze button.

Several studies have proved 15 minutes of extra snooze time in the morning won't help you feel less tired. Scientists found a long time ago that you need deep REM sleep to recharge. Snoozing actually makes you more tired and fatigued. Even worse, it wastes time you could spend drinking water, showering or exercising -- activities all shown to increase energy levels.

Instead of lying in bed, wishing for just 15 minutes more of sleep, tell yourself it won't make you less tired. Get up when your alarm sounds, and start incorporating healthy morning habits that will help boost your alertness.

4. You leave your most important work until later.

Most people are at their best earlier in the day, before they've reached the brain fatigue of afternoon and evening. Don't save your hardest or most important tasks for "later." You won't have the energy to devote to doing it right.

Tackling difficult tasks early in the day improves your work product. It also allows you to relax as your day unfolds. You'll know you accomplished what you needed to do, and you'll have nothing hanging over your head before you leave for the day. 

5. You multitask.

Just because you think you're good at multitasking doesn't mean it's the best way to get things done. In fact, studies have shown that multitasking reduces the amount of short-term memory you retain from your task. Over time, this reduces your amount of long-term memory as well.

Multitasking makes you miss important details and learn less. It also leads to mistakes. Skip the juggling act and focus on doing one thing well. 

6. You sit too long.

If you frequently use your computer all day, you're putting your body through some major stress. In a sitting position, the spine becomes less flexible. This puts strain on the lower back, shoulders and neck. It also reduces blood flow to the brain and lungs -- the powerhouses you need to accomplish your best work in the moment and later on in your life.

Take breaks every 20 to 30 minutes. Stretch your back and shoulders while you're working, and consider adopting a regular yoga or pilates routine. Stretching and strengthening your body can help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, back spasms, fatigue and reptitive-motion injuries. 

Bad habits don't have to rule your life or keep you from achieving success. Changing all your habits at once can be overwhelming, so focus on improving one small thing at a time. Before long, you'll establish habits that help you be your best.

10 Entrepreneurial Lessons From Aamir Khan's Film Based on Wrestling

Dangal the wrestling biopic movie shows inspiring story of Mahavir Singh Phogat and his daughters Geeta and Babita, their journey of overcoming multiple challenges and becoming wrestling champions. Similar to the challenges of Mahavir Singh, Geeta and Babita, in the business world, entrepreneurs face many challenges. Sometimes, they lose their spirit because of constraints of skills and resources such as manpower, budget and time. This movie teaches 10 important lessons for entrepreneurs that could help them in achieving their goals and win over more resourceful competitors.

1. Focus on the goal

Mahavir Singh was focused to get a gold medal for the country. He inculcated the same focus within her daughters and reiterated it to Geeta before her final fight by saying - if you win the silver medal then either today or tomorrow people will forget you, but you will become an example, if you win the gold medal and examples are given, you don't forget them.

To emphasize this point from business perspective, I would like to share a quote from Steve Jobs: If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.

2. Break your mental barriers

Mahavir Singh was determined that his child has to get Gold medal for the country irrespective of being a boy or girl. In the movie, he says - a gold medal is a gold medal whether a boy gets it or a girl. He not only broke his mental barrier, but also convinced his wife and daughters for the goal. He also created a support system for her daughters by involving their male cousin, chicken supplier and others.

To emphasize this point from business perspective, I would like to share a quote from Jeff Bezos: The common question that gets asked in business is, 'why?' That's a good question, but an equally valid question is, 'why not?'

3. Sacrifices enable success

Mahavir Singh pushes his daughters to run early in the morning, he gets their hairs cut off, changes their food choices and social activities. Earlier his daughters were unhappy with these sacrifices, but later they realized their father's vision and aligned themselves for these sacrifices.

To emphasize this point from business perspective, I would like to share a quote from Napoleon Hill: Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.

4. Persistence is very important

When Geeta and Babita started preparing themselves for wrestling, they faced many physical and emotional challenges during practice. Being girls, physical exercises were tough to execute and many people laughed on them. With their persistence and motivation from their father they continued their efforts and learned the traits of wrestling. In the movie, Mahavir Singh says - Medalist don't grow on trees, you have to nurture them with love, with hard work, with dedication.

To emphasize this point from business perspective, I would like to share with you a quote from Thomas A. Edison: Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

5. Competition makes you better

Geeta and Babita lost multiple fights during practice with their cousin. Additionally, Geeta lost her first public fight with a male wrestler. But these competitions with male wrestlers made them realize where they stand and where they have to reach. They prepared themselves to become much stronger to accept bigger challenges and eventually won.

To emphasize this point from business perspective, I would like to share with you a quote from Carlos Slim: Competition makes you better, always, always makes you better, even if the competitor wins.

6. Avoid feeling of achievement

Feeling of achievement puts us into comfort zone. After winning the Junior Internationals, Geeta goes to an institute in Patiala for further training. She makes friends at the institute and forgets the discipline she has been brought up with. She regularly watches films, eats junk food and grows her hair longer. Later, Geeta finds herself losing every match.

To emphasize this point from business perspective, I would like to share with you a quote from Ingvar Kampard: The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achievement. The antidote is to every evening think what can be done better tomorrow.

7.Accept criticism

When Geeta came home for vacation from the institute in Patiala,Mahavir Singh realized the changes in her and criticized on a few of her wrestling moves. Geeta neglected the criticism and eventually lost a few key fights. Later, she accepted the criticism and prepared herself for Commonwealth games.

To emphasize this point from business perspective, I would like to share a quote from Elon Musk:Constantly seek criticism. A well thought out critique of whatever you're doing is as valuable as gold.

8. Reinvent your competitive advantage

Though Geeta had won over many male wrestlers, she had to learn many new strategies and moves for Commonwealth championship. Mahavir Singh watched recordings of her previous fights and gave her suggestions on improvement areas, so that she could compete with better competitors.

To emphasize this point from business perspective, I would like to share with you a quote from Jack Welch:An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.

9. Refuse to accept less than your best

When coach of Geeta felt that she couldn't win in 55 kg category and suggested her to participate in 51 kg category, Babita and Mahavir Singh motivated her for not underestimating her potential and participate in 55 kg category. Rather than changing her goal, she accepted the challenge and prepared herself for 55 Kg. Even when Geeta's coach told media that she would definitely win Silver medal as she has reached the final competition, she was determined to win the challenge of Gold medal.

To emphasize this point from business perspective, I would like to share a quote from Amitabh Bachchan: Change is the nature of life but challenge is the future of life. So challenge the changes. Never change the challenges.

10. Make it happen

In the final competition for Gold medal, Geeta had almost lost and only a few seconds were left between win and loss. Despite her father's absence, time limitations, lesser points and tough competitor, Geeta manages to win the final competition and becomes the first Indian female wrestler to win gold. She made sure that she doesn't make any mistake, utilizes every second, confuse competitor with her moves and win. 

To emphasize this point from business perspective, I would like to share a quote from Henry Ford: Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.