Sunday, December 2, 2012

6 Warning Signs of Leadership Failure

Warning Sign #1: A Shift in Focus
Leaders are usually distinguished by their ability to "think big." But as their focus shifts, their thinking shrinks. Often, leaders simply lose sight of what's important. They micromanage, get caught up in minutiae, and succumb to perfectionism in trivial decisions better left to others. Even more subtle is an obsession with "doing" rather than "becoming." A leader's greatest influence flows from inner vision and integrity, but it's possible for a leader to become infatuated with action and, in the process, lose touch with the all-important development of character. Busier isn't always better. What is your primary focus right now? If you can't write it on the back of your business card, then your leadership suffers from a lack of clarity.


Warning Sign #2: Poor Communication
Lack of focus disorients a leader and sets the stage for poor communication. Followers can't possibly understand a leader's intent when the leader isn't even sure what it is! Sometimes, leaders delude themselves into believing that committed followers can sense their goals and carry out their wishes without being told. When misunderstandings arise, managers blame their people for lack of effort (or commitment) rather than recognizing their own communication negligence. "Say what you mean, and mean what you say" is timeless advice, but it must be preceded by knowing what you mean! Clarity of purpose is the starting point for all effective communication.


Warning Sign #3: Risk Aversion
Past victories create pressure for leaders: "Will I be able to sustain outstanding performance?" The longer a leader is successful, the higher his or her perceived cost of failure will be. When driven by the fear of failure, leaders are unable to take reasonable risks. They limit themselves to tried and proven pathways. Attempts at innovation—key to their initial success—diminish and eventually disappear. Which is more important to you: the journey or the destination? Are you still taking reasonable risks? Prudent leadership avoids reckless risk, but neither is it paralyzed by fear.


Warning Sign #4: Ethics Slip
A leader's credibility depends upon two qualities: what he or she does (competency) and who he or she is (character). Deficiencies in either create an integrity problem. The highest principle of leadership is integrity. When ethical compromise is rationalized as necessary for the "greater good," a leader is on the slippery slope of failure. All too often, leaders see their followers as pawns, mere means to an end. As a result, they confuse manipulation with leadership. Such leaders rapidly lose respect. To save face, they cease to be people "perceivers" and become people "pleasers," using popularity to ease the guilt of lapsed integrity. Are there areas of conflict between what you believe and how you behave?


Warning Sign #5: Poor Self-Management
If a leader doesn't take care of him/herself, no one else will. Unless a leader is blessed with unusually perceptive followers, nobody will pick up on signs of fatigue and stress. Leaders are counted on to produce, but they aren't superheroes with limitless energy. While leadership is invigorating, it is also tiring. Like anyone other mere mortal, leaders are susceptible to feeling drained, depressed, and demotivated. Those who neglect their physical, psychological, emotional, or spiritual needs are headed for disaster. Make time for refreshment and replenishment. Take care of yourself. Self-preservation isn't selfish; it’s vital to the health of those you lead.


Warning Sign #6: Lost Love
Leaders face impending disaster when they abandon their first love. The hard work of leadership should be fulfilling and fun. However, when divorced from their dreams, leaders may find the responsibility of leadership to be frustrating and fruitless. To stay motivated, leaders must stick to what they love and rediscover what compelled them to accept the mantle of leadership in the first place. To make sure that you stay on the track of following your first love, frequently ask yourself these three questions: Why did I initially pursue leadership? Have those reasons changed? Do I still want to lead?



Stages of Moral Development

Stage 1 Avoiding punishment (the most basic stage of moral development often found in young children).

·         Stage 2 Serving self-interest (a dangerous stage to be stuck in morally, where the focus is “What’s in it for me?” and moral decisions are based on “What can I get out of it?”)

·         Stage 3 Seeking approval from others (the stage usually occurring on one’s teens in which one behaves morally to live up to the expectations of others).

·         Stage 4 Following authority (someone in this stage does as told and follows the rules).

·         Stage 5 Respect for social order (in this stage of moral development, one’s behavior is driven by the desire to maintain social order and avoid chaos in society).

·         Stage 6 Universal ethical principles (in this highest stage of moral development one is guided by conscience according to universal moral principles).



Top 10 Reasons - Why Leaders Fail

  1. Greed. I’m going to get mine since everyone else is and besides, I deserve it. Look at what I have done.
  2. Insecurity. Poor self-esteem based on family experiences – shockingly high.
  3. Power. I am in control – I want and get the attention I need.
  4. Arrogance. Delusion belief: I am better than anyone else.
  5. Narcissism. Severe form of selfishness and often an inability to love others.
  6. Paranoia. Never trust anyone – no such thing as loyalty.
  7. Manic Behavior. Obsessively driven which often results in a big crash.
  8. Addictions. Drugs, alcohol, gambling and sexual compulsions.
  9. Burnout and Depression. Often hidden and at least subconsciously reasons for irrational behavior.
  10. Moral Deficiencies. Primitive moral development and rationalization and blaming.



10 Tips will help you establish a healthier WORK-LIFE BALANCE

1. Understand that at its very core work-life balance is about self-respect. It is not your company or boss’s job to make sure you are happy & healthy. As a matter of fact it’s no one else’s job but yours!


2. Ask yourself what is your happiness worth? What is your health worth? What is your family worth? If you currently have an unhealthy work-life balance where you are regularly putting your job ahead of your health or family you are basically saying that your life is only worth whatever your current income.


3. You have to be prepared to leave your current job if there is no flexibility for you to maintain a healthy schedule. So long as leaving your current job is not a possibility you are essentially handing over your self-respect & empowerment to a company or industry.


4. You are more valuable than you realise! It costs companies a lot of time & money to retrain people when people leave. You have more leverage than you think when seeking more flexible working conditions. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.


5. Stop living for the future! Are you sacrificing your current happiness for some future goal? There’s nothing wrong the planning for the future, the mistake most people make is not setting a definite ‘out’ time when their happiness, health & family will become a priority.


6. Listen to your body. If you are getting a cold or flu more than twice a year (a healthy immune system) then your job is most likely ‘making you sick’. Ask yourself is it really worth it?


7. Start taking ‘well’ days instead of sick days. If you think that’s taking advantage of your company, one well day when you feel a bit run down will usually save you 3 sick days.


8. Book in downtime each week & make it non-negotiable. What relaxing relatively inexpensive ‘gift’ can you give yourself each week? For example getting a massage each week will not only help you relax, it’ll also boost your immune system.


9. Outsource! Is there one weekly or monthly task outside of work that you really don’t enjoy doing? If you don’t enjoy cleaning your house or apartment in your down time then look into getting a cleaner. This is one of the most affordable self-respecting gifts you can give to yourself.


10. Map out what your perfect work-life balance would look like: start with how many hours you feel comfortable working each month. This will differ for everyone and will also change as you age & have other commitments (such as children) in your life. It’s important that you are realistic here. For those of you who think you’d like to only work a handful of hours a month, several studies have shown that most people get bored & feel unfulfilled working less than 40 hours a month. Now look at your finances. If you simplified your life, removing everything extraneous but keeping the level of ‘comfortable’ (again this will be different for everyone) how much money do you really need to be making? Again be realistic. A USA economic study found that $75,000 per year is what most individuals need to make to feel comfortable. Now compare these results to what you are actually doing right now? What steps can you begin to make today to bring these into alignment?

10 Deadly Sins of Negative Thinking

1. I will be happy once I have _____ (or once I earn X).


Problem: If you think you can’t be happy until you reach a certain point, or until you reach a certain income, or have a certain type of house or car or computer setup, you’ll never be happy. That elusive goal is always just out of reach. Once we reach those goals, we are not satisfied — we want more.


Solution: Learn to be happy with what you have, where you are, and who you are, right at this moment. Happiness doesn’t have to be some state that we want to get to eventually — it can be found right now. Learn to count your blessings, and see the positive in your situation. This might sound simplistic, but it works.


2. I wish I were as ____ as (a celebrity, friend, co-worker).


Problem: We’ll never be as pretty, as talented, as rich, as sculpted, as cool, as everyone else. There will always be someone better, if you look hard enough. Therefore, if we compare ourselves to others like this, we will always pale, and will always fail, and will always feel bad about ourselves. This is no way to be happy.


Solution: Stop comparing yourself to others, and look instead at yourself — what are your strengths, your accomplishments, your successes, however small? What do you love about yourself? Learn to love who you are, right now, not who you want to become. There is good in each of us, love in each of us, and a wonderful human spirit in every one of us.


3. Seeing others becoming successful makes me jealous and resentful.


Problem: First, this assumes that only a small number of people can be successful. In truth, many, many people can be successful — in different ways.


Solution: Learn to admire the success of others, and learn from it, and be happy for them, by empathizing with them and understanding what it must be like to be them. And then turn away from them, and look at yourself — you can be successful too, in whatever you choose to do. And even more, you already are successful. Look not at those above you in the social ladder, but those below you — there are always millions of people worse off than you, people who couldn’t even read this article or afford a computer. In that light, you are a huge success.


4. I am a miserable failure — I can’t seem to do anything right.


Problem: Everyone is a failure, if you look at it in certain ways. Everyone has failed, many times, at different things. I have certainly failed so many times I cannot count them — and I continue to fail, daily. However, looking at your failures as failures only makes you feel bad about yourself. By thinking in this way, we will have a negative self-image and never move on from here.


Solution: See your successes and ignore your failures. Look back on your life, in the last month, or year, or 5 years. And try to remember your successes. If you have trouble with this, start documenting them — keep a success journal, either in a notebook or online. Document your success each day, or each week. When you look back at what you’ve accomplished, over a year, you will be amazed. It’s an incredibly positive feeling.


5. I’m going to beat so-and-so no matter what — I’m better than him. And there’s no way I’ll help him succeed — he might beat me.


Problem: Competitiveness assumes that there is a small amount of gold to be had, and I need to get it before he does. It makes us into greedy, back-stabbing, hurtful people. We try to claw our way over people to get to success, because of our competitive feelings. For example, if a blogger wants to have more subscribers than another blogger, he may never link to or mention that other blogger. However, who is to say that my subscribers can’t also be yours? People can read and subscribe to more than one blog.


Solution: Learn to see success as something that can be shared, and learn that if we help each other out, we can each have a better chance to be successful. Two people working towards a common goal are better than two people trying to beat each other up to get to that goal. There is more than enough success to go around. Learn to think in terms of abundance rather than scarcity.


6. Dammit! Why do these bad things always happen to me?


Problem: Bad things happen to everybody. If we dwell on them, they will frustrate us and bring us down.


Solution: See bad things as a part of the ebb and flow of life. Suffering is a part of the human condition — but it passes. All pain goes away, eventually. Meanwhile, don’t let it hold you back. Don’t dwell on bad things, but look forward towards something good in your future. And learn to take the bad things in stride, and learn from them. Bad things are actually opportunities to grow and learn and get stronger, in disguise.


7. You can’t do anything right! Why can’t you be like ____ ?


Problem: This can be said to your child or your subordinate or your sibling. The problem? Comparing two people, first of all, is always a fallacy. People are different, with different ways of doing things, different strengths and weaknesses, different human characteristics. If we were all the same, we’d be robots. Second, saying negative things like this to another person never helps the situation. It might make you feel better, and more powerful, but in truth, it hurts your relationship, it will actually make you feel negative, and it will certainly make the other person feel negative and more likely to continue negative behavior. Everyone loses.


Solution: Take the mistakes or bad behavior of others as an opportunity to teach. Show them how to do something. Second, praise them for their positive behavior, and encourage their success. Last, and most important, love them for who they are, and celebrate their differences.


8. Your work sucks. It’s super lame. You are a moron and I hope you never reproduce.


Problem: I’ve actually gotten this comment before. It feels wonderful. However, let’s look at it not from the perspective of the person receiving this kind of comment but from the perspective of the person giving it. How does saying something negative like this help you? I guess it might feel good to vent if you feel like your time has been wasted. But really, how much of your time has been wasted? A few minutes? And whose fault is that? The bloggers or yours? In truth, making negative comments just keeps you in a negative mindset. It’s also not a good way to make friends.


Solution: Learn to offer constructive solutions, first of all. Instead of telling someone their blog sucks, or that a post is lame, offer some specific suggestions for improvement. Help them get better. If you are going to take the time to make a comment, make it worth your time. Second, learn to interact with people in a more positive way — it makes others feel good and it makes you feel better about yourself. And you can make some great friends this way. That’s a good thing.


9. Insulting People Back


Problem: If someone insults you or angers you in some way, insulting them back and continuing your anger only transfers their problem to you. This person was probably having a bad day (or a bad year) and took it out on you for some reason. If you reciprocate, you are now having a bad day too. His problem has become yours. Not only that, but the cycle of insults can get worse and worse until it results in violence or other negative consequences — for both of you.


Solution: Let the insults or negative comments of others slide off you like Teflon. Don’t let their problem become yours. In fact, try to understand their problem more — why would someone say something like that? What problems are they going through? Having a little empathy for someone not only makes you understand that their comment is not about you, but it can make you feel and act in a positive manner towards them — and make you feel better about yourself in the process.


10. I don’t think I can do this — I don’t have enough discipline. Maybe some other time.


Problem: If you don’t think you can do something, you probably won’t. Especially for the big stuff. Discipline has nothing to do with it — motivation and focus has everything to do with it. And if you put stuff off for “some other time”, you’ll never get it done. Negative thinking like this inhibits us from accomplishing anything.


Solution: Turn your thinking around: you can do this! You don’t need discipline. Find ways to make yourself a success at your goal. If you fail, learn from your mistakes, and try again. Instead of putting a goal off for later, start now. And focus on one goal at a time, putting all of your energy into it, and getting as much help from others as you can. You can really move mountains if you start with positive thinking.


1) If you've got an itch in your throat, scratch your ear. When the nerves in the ear get stimulated, they create a reflex in the throat that causes a muscle spasm, which cures the itch.

2) Having trouble hearing someone at a party or on the phone? Use your right ear it's better at picking up rapid speech. But, the left is better at picking up music tones.

3) If you need to relieve yourself BADLY, but you're not anywhere near a bathroom, fantasize about RELATIONS. That preoccupies your brain and distracts it.

4) Next time the doctor's going to give you an injection, COUGH as the needle is going in. The cough raises the level of pressure in your spinal canal, which limits the pain sensation as it tries to travel to your brain.

5) Clear a stuffed nose or relieve sinus pressure by pushing your tongue against the roof of your mouth then pressing a finger between your eyebrows. Repeat that for 20 seconds it causes the vomer bone to rock, which loosens your congestion and clears you up.

6) If you ate a big meal and you're feeling full as you go to sleep, lay on your left side. That'll keep you from suffering from acid reflux it keeps your stomach lower than your esophagus, which will  helps keep stomach acid from sliding up your throat.

7) You can stop a toothache by rubbing ice on the back of your hand, on the webbed area between your thumb and index finger. The nerve pathways there stimulate a part of the brain that blocks pain signals from your mouth.

8) If you get all messed up on liquor, and the room starts spinning, put your hand on something stable. The reason: Alcohol dilutes the blood in the part of your ear called the cupula, which regulates balance. Putting your hand on something stable gives your brain another reference point, which will help make the world stop spinning.

9) Stop a nose bleed by putting some cotton on your upper gums right behind the small dent below your nose and press against it hard. Most of the bleeding comes from the cartilage wall that divides the nose, so pressing there helps get it to stop.

10) Nervous? Slow your heart rate down by blowing on your thumb. The vagus nerve controls your heart rate, and you can calm it down by breathing.

11) Need to breathe underwater for a while? Instead of taking a huge breath, HYPERVENTILATE before you go under, by taking a bunch of short breaths. That'll trick your brain into thinking it has more oxygen, and buy you about 10 extra seconds.

12) You can prevent BRAIN FREEZE by pressing your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, covering as much surface area as possible. Brain freeze happens because the nerves in the roof of your mouth get extremely cold, so your brain thinks your whole body is cold. It compensates by overheating which causes your head to hurt. By warming up the roof of your mouth, you'll chill your brain and feel better.

13) If your hand falls asleep, rock your head from side to side. That'll wake your hand or arm up in less than a minute. Your hand falls asleep because of the nerves in your neck compressing so loosening your neck is the cure. If your foot falls asleep, that's governed by nerves lower in the body, so you need to stand up and walk around.

14) Finally, this one's totally USELESS, but a nice trick. Have someone stick their arm out to the side, straight, palm down. Press down on his wrist with two fingers. He'll resist, and his arm will stay horizontal. Then, have him put his foot on a surface that's half an inch off the ground, like a stack of magazines, and do the trick again. Because his spine position is thrown off, his arm will fall right to his side, no matter how much he tries to resist.

15) Got the hiccups? Press thumb and second finger over your eyebrows until the hiccups are over - usually, in a short while.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Emotional Competency

We become proud when we have good reason to think of ourselves as special. Pride is the emotion reflecting an increase in stature, while shame reflects a decrease in stature. Because stature is often considered competitive and relative, expressing our pride carelessly or unjustifiably may offend others.

Definitions Feeling good about yourself. Satisfaction from our assessment of an increase in stature Approving of your own actions or accomplishments.

A sense of accomplishment. Expression of competence. Old English prūd, from Old French prou, prud, brave, virtuous. Pride reflects an increase in stature, not necessarily a high level of stature. As a result, pride is inherently temporary.

Related Terms: Many mental states are often confused with authentic pride. The confusion is generally related to a mismatch in a subjective appraisal or projection of stature with an objective evaluation of stature.

The mismatches are based on discrepancies in the following assessments:

Authentic stature—An actual, authentic, and objective appraisal of stature based on representative evidence.

Self-esteem—What you believe about your stature, Image—What others believe about your stature. We have many words that describe a variety of misalignments between authentic stature, your estimate of your own stature, and what others believe about your stature. These represent counterfeit forms of pride.

Several words are defined here in terms of these stature appraisals.

Hubris: Unrealistically high self-esteem; self-esteem exceeds authentic stature. You appraise your stature to be unrealistically high and reject evidence-based comparisons to authentic stature. It is a failure to recognize your own defects. Synonyms include arrogance, conceit, egotism, narcissism, and vanity. It can be caused by your first-person viewpoint.

Bluster: Projecting your stature as higher than you believe it to be. Attempting to create an image that exceeds your self-esteem. Synonyms include false pride, immodesty, boasting, bragging, showing off, and know it all.

Stubborn Pride: You are unsure of your actual stature, so you hold fast to your position as an attempt to show strength. It can be manifest as a reluctance to apologize or take responsibility for your own actions. The likely cause is that your self-esteem is fragile or variable; you are insecure about your stature because you are not confident your authentic stature is high. Synonyms include smug??,
Humiliation: An image change reflecting a decrease in what others believe about your stature. A public humiliation is the result of an insult and is generally painful enough to provoke anger. If you believe the insult is justified, then the humiliation may result in shame rather than anger. Synonyms include losing face, feeling foolish, hurt, and disgraced.

Humility: A quiet and sincere confidence that comes from a realistic appraisal of your stature that recognizes you are doing well, while recognizing your shortcomings. It is an incentive to continue to learn, improve, and do more.

Self esteem is aligned with authentic stature and is judged to be satisfactory and with room for improvement within a humble person. Humility reduces our need for self-justification and allows us to admit to and learn from our mistakes.

False Modesty: An insincere attempt to project an image of stature lower than your self esteem or authentic stature. Contempt: Feeling superior to others. Our self-esteem exceeds the image we hold of another.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Unnoticed Laws

LAW OF QUEUE: If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now.

LAW OF TELEPHONE: When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged one.

LAW OF MECHANICAL REPAIR: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch.

LAW OF THE WORKSHOP: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

LAW OF THE ALIBI: If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the next morning you will have a flat tire.

BATH THEOREM: When the body is immersed in water, the telephone rings.

LAW OF ENCOUNTERS: The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with.

LAW OF THE RESULT: When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will!

LAW OF BIOMECHANICS: The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

THEATRE RULE: People with the seats at the furthest from the aisle arrive last.

LAW OF COFFEE: As soon as you sit down for a cup of hot  coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

8 Commonly Used Phrases That Make No Sense

Want to be a clear, concise communicator? Here’s a simple tip that guarantees you will take a step towards that goal: cut out unnecessary adjectives and adverbs – usually words like very, really, absolutely and extremely, although not limited to these. But even if you are addicted to jazzing-up your communication with a few extra words that don’t add much value, there are certain combinations that should be banned. These are the ones that are nonsensical, rather than just being surplus words.


Here is my list of the most common (and irritating!) culprits:


1. Past (or previous) experience

Do you have access to a time machine? If not, it’s unlikely you’ve had any future experience.


2. Future planning

If you spend a lot of time on past planning, save yourself the trouble – it isn’t much help.


3. Totally unique

It’s either the only one of its kind or it isn’t! It’s not possible to be half unique.


4. Free gift

I can’t remember the last person who gave me a gift and then presented me with the bill for it! I certainly wouldn’t have been grateful.


5. New recruit

Have you got a few old ones stored away in a dusty cupboard?


6. New innovation

If only we could get rewarded for old innovation, life would be so much easier. I’d love to ‘innovate’ the light bulb, electricity and the wheel! What old innovations will you create today?


7. Two halves

Ever seen a melon being halved into four, or six, or eight?


8. Literally combined with anything that clearly didn’t happen

…as in “my heart was literally in my mouth” or “I literally jumped out of my skin” (gory).

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

8 Important tips to help you waste time in meetings

1. Invite everyone. We all need to time to waste, and you wouldn't want to hurt anyones feelings by not including them. However, be careful about inviting people who might try to accomplish something during the meeting. On the other hand, make sure you invite people who tell good jokes, like to goof around and are generally entertaining.

2. Don't start the meeting until everyone has arrived. Starting a meeting on time would be rude to those who are late. Plus starting a meeting late helps everyone feel more comfortable about being late next time, which almost assures you will start the meeting late everytime.

3. Never, never, never have an agenda. Agendas create structure that can stifle tangents.

4. Leaders should do most if not all of the talking. Since the leader knows best, it makes the most sense that he or she talk the most.

5. Only those with "good" ideas should provide them. Anybody who submits a "stupid" idea should be laughed at, mocked and generally spit upon.

6. Give people freedom to "multitask" during meetings. Let everyone know at the start of the meeting that if they need to do other things such as texting, reading email or answering calls to go right ahead. It will make the meeting all the more productive for everyone.

7. Never make assignments. Assignments mean work will need to be done.

8. Never end a meeting on time. Doing so means you didn't apply items one through seven above!

Monday, September 17, 2012

10 Most Important WORDS for ADVERTISEMENTS

1. Use the word "fast" in your ad. People want fast
results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. Nowadays,
we usually value our time more than our money.

2. Use the word "guaranteed" in your ad. People
want to be assured they are not risking their hard
earned money buying your product.

3. Use the word "limited" in your ad. People want
to own or receive things that are exclusive or rare
because they are considered to be more valuable.

4. Use the word "easy/simple" in your ad. People
want easy ordering, easy instructions, easy to use,
easy payments, etc.

5. Use the word "testimonial" in your ad. People
want to see believable proof before they buy your
product. It should be reputable and specific proof.

6. Use the word "discount/sale " in your ad. People
want to find bargains. They could be rebates, one
time sales, percentage offers, get one free offers, etc.

7. Use the word "free" in your ad. People want free
incentives before they do business with you. They
could be free books, accessories, services, etc.

8. Use the word "you/your" in your ad. People want
to know that you are talking them. This'll make them
feel important and attract them to read the whole ad.

9. Use the word "important" in your ad. People do
not want to miss important information that could
effect their life. People will stop and take notice.

10. Use the word "new" in your ad. People want
new products or services that will improve their life
like new information, tastes, technology, results, etc.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

What happens if 1 rupee = 45 dollars.....

Scene 1
Venue : Microsoft Corporation, New York , US Some s/w engineers are seeing some photographs.
s/w engg 1 : What's that?
s/w engg 2 : Bob's photographs from India .
s/w engg 1 : Wow. Let me see. Which is this place?
s/w engg 3 : (Sees the photo) This is Airport  Road, bangalore
s/w engg 1 : Fundoo yaar! And what is this? He got Bajaj Pulsar also.
s/w engg 2 : Let me see (sees). This guy enjoys life maan...
s/w engg 3 : You know how much an Bajaj Pulsar costs? Nearly 60K..... Say it in dollars...
s/w engg 2: Oops. We can't dream of such a thing here.
s/w engg 1 : Let's go to India & try for a job.

[Everybody excited.]
------------ --------- --------- --------- --

Venue: Sun Microsystems, SanFrancisco , California, US
s/w engg 1: I'm with you man. My Visa is expected anytime. Soon I will fly to India
s/w engg 2 : Ohhh.... When is the party?
s/w engg 1: When I get it on hand.
s/w engg 2: Where will you be working?
s/w engg 1 : I'll be working in whitefield
s/w engg 2 : Oh! whitefield. Great yaar. where it is...
s/w engg 1 : It is in Bangalore.
s/w engg 3 : Fundoo place yaar. Nice climate Not like California. You'll love the weather yaar. One of my friends is in Jaipur, Rajasthan... He says it's the ultimate place to live in. Cool maan.
s/w engg 2 : Who is the client yaar?
s/w engg 1: You know bangalore Municipal Corporation?
s/w engg 3 : Yeah. BMC. One of my friends is there in the Road Cleaning Division. Most challenging job yaar. People are working in the cutting edge of technology there.
s/w engg 1 : I'll be writing software for the accounts department of the GCU.
s/w engg 2: GCU? what it means...?
s/w engg 1 : that is Garbage Collecting Unit.
s/w engg 3 : : Great yaar. That's what I like about that country. You can get a job which requires all your skill. Not like here. See I'm writing software for the space shuttle remote control. I hate this.
s/w engg 1 : Don't worry guys. I'll give you my Hotmail id. You can send your resume to me and I'll forward it to the HRD.

[Everybody takes down his Hotmail id.]

------------ --------- --------- --------- --SCENE 3

Venue: IBM, New York, US

(Conversation between a Male s/w engg. and Female s/w engg.)

Male : Hi!
Female: Hi. You know. I'm planning to settle in India soon.
Male : What??
Female : Yeah. My marriage will be here in America only. He is doing his Ph.D in Bharthi University and he's coming here for a month. His study will be over in 2 months. H e's already got a job in MSCB. We planned to settle in B'lore itself... I'm also planning to work there. Let's see...
Male: Good luck... dont forget us & US...

------------ --------- --------- --------- --SCENE 4

Venue: Intel Corp. US

s/w engg 1: Great news guys. Our George has got admission in the Manasa Gangothri College in Mysore with scholarship for B.A History. A great new field yaar...

All are excited...

George : Got my Visa yesterday. It's all finalized now.
s/w engg 2 : Congrats yaar. So you are out of this country.
s/w engg 1 : B.A in Histroy...ohh., enjoy your life there?
s/w engg 2 : : Got full aid, eh?
George : Yeah. Got the UGC scholarship That will be 1200 Rupees per Year.
s/w engg 1 : Great. Enjoy.
s/w engg 2 : (Thinking loud): 1200 Indian Rupees...! That means 1200 * 45 = 54000 Dollars... with that amount I can buy an three bed-room flat & a Mercedes here...!!!

Top 10 Qualities of Excellence

1. Natural Talent - Know Your Brilliance!
An uncut diamond has a wealth of unrealized possibility and brilliance. The beauty inherent in the diamond beckons us to develop its potential. Likewise, we are at our best when we develop our natural talent. Know your brilliance and learn to become it every day.

2. Invest in your success.
Life rewards those who are invested in their success. If you're ambivalent about what you really want, you won't get what's most important. Let what ever it is you're striving for mean something to you! Don't stay stuck if you're not happy or making progress. Invest in your success so you're completely passionate and motivated towards realizing your dream. Believe in your dream and you'll be invested in the creation of your success.

3. Integrity
When you have integrity, your word means something. If people can't depend on your word, integrity's lacking. If your actions aren't aligned with your words, a disconnect occurs  this disconnect then compromises your integrity. Integrity is the quality of being complete and undivided living from "what's right." Live life so that you are always in a state of integrity.

4. Passion
Passion is that which deeply moves us. It's the fire from within and that which motivates us. Passion deeply stirs us and compels us into action. Passion gives us the ability to be touched, moved and inspired. Passion is at the core of excellence tap into yours and let it guide your vision!

5. High Standards
Excellence implies striving for quality. Standards of excellence are those that are flawless and impeccable. Do you complete work? Do you surround yourself with people who nourish your spirit and intellect? Do you address discrepancies or concerns on the spot? Good isn't enough; we need to exceed expectations and continually raise the bar for excellence. In this way, quality is continually generated.

6. Creativity and Innovation
Creativity and innovation require openness and questioning. The belief that anything's possible paves the way for creative thinking. *Outside of the box* thinking produces innovation, and what company doesn't want to be at the forefront of innovation? Creativity and innovation require a boldness to play and discover... to be comfortable enough to admit that one doesn't know the answers. It's in the openness to not knowing the answers that allow creativity and innovation to be born.

7. Self Awareness
Self-awareness, particularly about the supports and structures that bring out our best, is key. Lacking self-awareness is like stumbling in the dark - one randomly bumps into what one is looking for. Contrast this to knowing exactly the supports and structures that support you. With self-awareness, one is able to get oneself *into the zone* with precision and accuracy. Pay attention and observe yourself to enhance your self-awareness skills.

8. Commitment
Commitment implies a willingness and a *stick-to-it-ness.* If one is committed, one's support is uncompromising and unending. One is willing to do anything in support of the commitment. Commitment drives us and anchors us during challenging times. Commitment enables us to maintain a high degree of perseverance. Commitment opens the door to self-mastery and excellence.

9. Showing Up
It doesn't matter HOW we show up, what matters is THAT we show up. Day after day, step after step. Don't let temporary obstacles keep you from showing up on a day to day basis. Pace yourself like an athlete and learn to develop new habits by incorporating the behavior on a day to day to day basis. Show up no matter what, and you'll gain stability and forward momentum as you move your vision forward.

10. Contribution
Looking back, what do you want the memories of your life to be? Excellence isn't solely about success, measured by how much money or notoriety we gain. Success is definitely not excellence if we've stomped on people en route to our goals!

Excellence is about contributing our best to the world while evoking others to do the same. It's about understanding our place and making our mark in the world, as we attempt to make it a better place.

Excellence is about contribution and honouring others as we move forward towards our vision.

Excellence lies in the hearts of all who evoke it in others by mentoring, supporting, exemplifying and giving back.

Four Cats

Four men were bragging about how smart their cats were

The first man was an Engineer, the second man was an Accountant, the third
man was a Chemist and the fourth man was a Government Employee.

To show off, the Engineer called his cat,

"T-square, do your stuff."

T-square pranced over to the desk, took out some paper and pen and promptly
drew a circle, a square, and a triangle. Everyone agreed that was pretty

But the Accountant said his cat could do better.

He called his cat and said,

"Spreadsheet, do your stuff."

Spreadsheet went out to the kitchen and returned with a dozen cookies. He
divided them into 4 equal piles of 3 cookies ...........Everyone agreed
that was good.

But the Chemist said his cat could do better. He called his cat and said
"Measure, do your stuff."

Measure got up, walked to the fridge, took out a quart of milk,, got a 10
ounce glass from the cupboard and poured exactly 8 ounces without spilling a
drop into the glass.

Everyone agreed that was pretty good.

Then the three men turned to the Government Employee and said, "What can
your cat do?"

The Government Employee called his cat and said.....

"Coffee your stuff."

Coffee Break jumped to his feet........ ...

ate the cookies..... ......... .

drank the milk........ ......

sh*t on the paper....... ......... ....

screwed the other three cats........ ......... ....

claimed he injured his back while doing so.......... ........

filed a grievance report for unsafe working conditions.. .......

put in for Workers Compensation. ......... .....and

went home for the rest of the day on sick leave....... ......!!! !!!!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

418 Values

The values are aligned to one of four groups:


·         Relational – requiring at least one other person to be valid.

·         Intrinsic – those values driven from within i.e. not requiring a significant external stimuli

·         Extrinsic – values deriving from external sources/inputs i.e. requiring an external stimulus

·         Achievement – aspirational or outcome based values.


1.       Abundance

2.       Acceptance

3.       Accessibility

4.       Accomplishment

5.       Accountability

6.       Accuracy

7.       Achievement

8.       Acknowledgement

9.       Activeness

10.   Adaptability

11.   Adoration

12.   Adroitness

13.   Advancement

14.   Adventure

15.   Affection

16.   Affluence

17.   Aggressiveness

18.   Agility

19.   Alertness

20.   Altruism

21.   Amazement

22.   Ambition

23.   Amusement

24.   Anticipation

25.   Appreciation

26.   Approachability

27.   Approval

28.   Art

29.   Articulacy

30.   Artistry

31.   Assertiveness

32.   Assurance

33.   Attentiveness

34.   Attractiveness

35.   Audacity

36.   Availability

37.   Awareness

38.   Awe

39.   Balance

40.   Beauty

41.   Being the best

42.   Belonging

43.   Benevolence

44.   Bliss

45.   Boldness

46.   Bravery

47.   Brilliance

48.   Buoyancy

49.   Calmness

50.   Camaraderie

51.   Candor

52.   Capability

53.   Care

54.   Carefulness

55.   Celebrity

56.   Certainty

57.   Challenge

58.   Change

59.   Charity

60.   Charm

61.   Chastity

62.   Cheerfulness

63.   Clarity

64.   Cleanliness

65.   Clear-mindedness

66.   Cleverness

67.   Closeness

68.   Comfort

69.   Commitment

70.   Community

71.   Compassion

72.   Competence

73.   Competition

74.   Completion

75.   Composure

76.   Concentration

77.   Confidence

78.   Conformity

79.   Congruency

80.   Connection

81.   Consciousness

82.   Conservation

83.   Consistency

84.   Contentment

85.   Continuity

86.   Contribution

87.   Control

88.   Conviction

89.   Conviviality

90.   Coolness

91.   Cooperation

92.   Cordiality

93.   Correctness

94.   Country

95.   Courage

96.   Courtesy

97.   Craftiness

98.   Creativity

99.   Credibility

100.                       Cunning

101.                       Curiosity

102.                       Daring

103.                       Decisiveness

104.                       Decorum

105.                       Deference

106.                       Delight

107.                       Dependability

108.                       Depth

109.                       Desire

110.                       Determination

111.                       Devotion

112.                       Devoutness

113.                       Dexterity

114.                       Dignity

115.                       Diligence

116.                       Direction

117.                       Directness

118.                       Discipline

119.                       Discovery

120.                       Discretion

121.                       Diversity

122.                       Dominance

123.                       Dreaming

124.                       Drive

125.                       Duty

126.                       Dynamism

127.                       Eagerness

128.                       Ease

129.                       Economy

130.                       Ecstasy

131.                       Education

132.                       Effectiveness

133.                       Efficiency

134.                       Elation

135.                       Elegance

136.                       Empathy

137.                       Encouragement

138.                       Endurance

139.                       Energy

140.                       Enjoyment

141.                       Entertainment

142.                       Enthusiasm

143.                       Environmentalism

144.                       Ethics

145.                       Euphoria

146.                       Excellence

147.                       Excitement

148.                       Exhilaration

149.                       Expectancy

150.                       Expediency

151.                       Experience

152.                       Expertise

153.                       Exploration

154.                       Expressiveness

155.                       Extravagance

156.                       Extroversion

157.                       Exuberance

158.                       Fairness

159.                       Faith

160.                       Fame

161.                       Family

162.                       Fascination

163.                       Fashion

164.                       Fearlessness

165.                       Ferocity

166.                       Fidelity

167.                       Fierceness

168.                       Financial independence

169.                       Firmness

170.                       Fitness

171.                       Flexibility

172.                       Flow

173.                       Fluency

174.                       Focus

175.                       Fortitude

176.                       Frankness

177.                       Freedom

178.                       Friendliness

179.                       Friendship

180.                       Frugality

181.                       Fun

182.                       Gallantry

183.                       Generosity

184.                       Gentility

185.                       Giving

186.                       Grace

187.                       Gratitude

188.                       Gregariousness

189.                       Growth

190.                       Guidance

191.                       Happiness

192.                       Harmony

193.                       Health

194.                       Heart

195.                       Helpfulness

196.                       Heroism

197.                       Holiness

198.                       Honesty

199.                       Honor

200.                       Hopefulness

201.                       Hospitality

202.                       Humility

203.                       Humor

204.                       Hygiene

205.                       Imagination

206.                       Impact

207.                       Impartiality

208.                       Independence

209.                       Individuality

210.                       Industry

211.                       Influence

212.                       Ingenuity

213.                       Inquisitiveness

214.                       Insightfulness

215.                       Inspiration

216.                       Integrity

217.                       Intellect

218.                       Intelligence

219.                       Intensity

220.                       Intimacy

221.                       Intrepidness

222.                       Introspection

223.                       Introversion

224.                       Intuition

225.                       Intuitiveness

226.                       Inventiveness

227.                       Investing

228.                       Involvement

229.                       Joy

230.                       Judiciousness

231.                       Justice

232.                       Keenness

233.                       Kindness

234.                       Knowledge

235.                       Leadership

236.                       Learning

237.                       Liberation

238.                       Liberty

239.                       Lightness

240.                       Liveliness

241.                       Logic

242.                       Longevity

243.                       Love

244.                       Loyalty

245.                       Majesty

246.                       Making a difference

247.                       Marriage

248.                       Mastery

249.                       Maturity

250.                       Meaning

251.                       Meekness

252.                       Mellowness

253.                       Meticulousness

254.                       Mindfulness

255.                       Modesty

256.                       Motivation

257.                       Mysteriousness

258.                       Nature

259.                       Neatness

260.                       Nerve

261.                       Nonconformity

262.                       Obedience

263.                       Open-mindedness

264.                       Openness

265.                       Optimism

266.                       Order

267.                       Organization

268.                       Originality

269.                       Outdoors

270.                       Outlandishness

271.                       Outrageousness

272.                       Partnership

273.                       Patience

274.                       Passion

275.                       Peace

276.                       Perceptiveness

277.                       Perfection

278.                       Perkiness

279.                       Perseverance

280.                       Persistence

281.                       Persuasiveness

282.                       Philanthropy

283.                       Piety

284.                       Playfulness

285.                       Pleasantness

286.                       Pleasure

287.                       Poise

288.                       Polish

289.                       Popularity

290.                       Potency

291.                       Power

292.                       Practicality

293.                       Pragmatism

294.                       Precision

295.                       Preparedness

296.                       Presence

297.                       Pride

298.                       Privacy

299.                       Proactivity

300.                       Professionalism

301.                       Prosperity

302.                       Prudence

303.                       Punctuality

304.                       Purity

305.                       Rationality

306.                       Realism

307.                       Reason

308.                       Reasonableness

309.                       Recognition

310.                       Recreation

311.                       Refinement

312.                       Reflection

313.                       Relaxation

314.                       Reliability

315.                       Relief

316.                       Religiousness

317.                       Reputation

318.                       Resilience

319.                       Resolution

320.                       Resolve

321.                       Resourcefulness

322.                       Respect

323.                       Responsibility

324.                       Rest

325.                       Restraint

326.                       Reverence

327.                       Richness

328.                       Rigor

329.                       Sacredness

330.                       Sacrifice

331.                       Sagacity

332.                       Saintliness

333.                       Sanguinity

334.                       Satisfaction

335.                       Science

336.                       Security

337.                       Self-control

338.                       Selflessness

339.                       Self-reliance

340.                       Self-respect

341.                       Sensitivity

342.                       Sensuality

343.                       Serenity

344.                       Service

345.                       Sexiness

346.                       Sexuality

347.                       Sharing

348.                       Shrewdness

349.                       Significance

350.                       Silence

351.                       Silliness

352.                       Simplicity

353.                       Sincerity

354.                       Skillfulness

355.                       Solidarity

356.                       Solitude

357.                       Sophistication

358.                       Soundness

359.                       Speed

360.                       Spirit

361.                       Spirituality

362.                       Spontaneity

363.                       Spunk

364.                       Stability

365.                       Status

366.                       Stealth

367.                       Stillness

368.                       Strength

369.                       Structure

370.                       Success

371.                       Support

372.                       Supremacy

373.                       Surprise

374.                       Sympathy

375.                       Synergy

376.                       Teaching

377.                       Teamwork

378.                       Temperance

379.                       Thankfulness

380.                       Thoroughness

381.                       Thoughtfulness

382.                       Thrift

383.                       Tidiness

384.                       Timeliness

385.                       Traditionalism

386.                       Tranquility

387.                       Transcendence

388.                       Trust

389.                       Trustworthiness

390.                       Truth

391.                       Understanding

392.                       Unflappability

393.                       Uniqueness

394.                       Unity

395.                       Usefulness

396.                       Utility

397.                       Valor

398.                       Variety

399.                       Victory

400.                       Vigor

401.                       Virtue

402.                       Vision

403.                       Vitality

404.                       Vivacity

405.                       Volunteering

406.                       Warmheartedness

407.                       Warmth

408.                       Watchfulness

409.                       Wealth

410.                       Willfulness

411.                       Willingness

412.                       Winning

413.                       Wisdom

414.                       Wittiness

415.                       Wonder

416.                       Worthiness

417.                       Youthfulness

418.                       Zeal