Tuesday, February 2, 2016

7 Smart Habits of Leaders Who Always Get Successful Results

The most successful leaders have learned the mastery of anticipating business patterns, and finding opportunities in pressured situations, serving the people they lead and still having wildly successful results.

If you are wondering how they do it, here are seven things you must do automatically,  if you are looking to get results.

1. Prioritize what's truly important. When you know what's important to you, you know what to spend your time on. Say no to distractions and busy work, and yes to things that keep you focused and help you grow.

2. Build on strengths. You likely know your strengths already--but if not, start assessing them now. They will differentiate yourself from the rest of the pack, allowing you to create a clear direction and move forward to produce results.

3. Be tenacious. Perseverance is part of every great success story. As Steve Jobs said,   "I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance." If something isn't going well, keep at it.

4. Stay committed. If something is going to get done, it is ultimately up to you. Even the things you delegate can be handled in a way that hands along a commitment and not just the task. The little choices you make every day lead to the final results you are working toward.

5. Keep learning. Whether you're failing or succeeding, there are lessons all around you if you pay attention and keep your mind open. The best leaders I have gotten to know aren't just the boldest thinkers; they are the most insatiable learners.

6. Be decisive. Waffling and second-guessing accomplish nothing but wasting time. By all means, plan, analyze, and be thoughtful and intentional about what you do--but when the time comes to make a decision, make it firmly. Don't look back or second-guess yourself.

7. Take care of yourself. If you don't take care of you, then how can you take care of others? To get results, isn't always about working hard on the enterprise, what's just as important, is that you take care of yourself as well. 

As with any successful venture, the best way to start out is to focus on the fundamentals. Start today to incorporate these key principles into your enterprise--and your life--and see what results you get.

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