Tuesday, April 19, 2016

08 Ways Your Company Can Go Green and Save Money

1. Gauge your current energy and water use.

It just makes sense that before you do something new, you have to take an inventory of how far you've gone with the old way, so you can know what work there is to do--and how you can gradually undo what you currently do.

Putting that in perspective, I mean; gauge your current "ungreen" use, especially in terms of energy and water, and then start thinking of how to do them differently--in a greener fashion.

2. Switch off unused appliances.

No unused appliance should be left on. Encourage your workers to make sure any appliance not used, or not very important, should be turned off till when needed.

Other than making your company eco-friendly and saving you so much money on energy, it also protects your company from electrical faults and accidents. Plus, it's actually plain commonsensical.

3. Put computers to sleep.

If you can't switch your computers off due to unsaved processes or work, then hibernate or put them to sleep when not in use. This can help your company save $10 - $50 per computer annually.

4. Replace standard light bulbs.

Replacing standard light bulbs with the more eco-friendly compact fluorescent (CFL) or LED lights is one of the simplest but best steps you can take towards taking your company green. These bulbs might be more expensive than the standard ones but they consume less energy and last very long--saving you so much money on electricity and light bulbs in the long run.

5. Power your office with alternative energy.

Solar power, hydropower, plant matter, geothermal, wind, and other renewable energy sources are used to generate "green power". And "green power" sources are the most eco-friendly sources of energy.

It's definitely costly to move to alternative energy, but you'll be saving money in the long run--and also saving planet Earth.

6. Use public transportation or other alternative means of transportation.

Trying as much as possible to reduce the number of cars plying the roads on any given day is a great attempt at saving the planet and making it greener.

Encouraging your workers to board buses, trains, and other public vehicles is a good way to make your company go green--and even save them some money. Other means like biking or walking are also eco-friendly practices in the area of transportation that should be encouraged among your staff.

7. Plant Trees.

The least your company could do is plant flowers and trees around your office. Taking it to greater heights is doing a tree planting project in your community.

You don't have to be an expert gardener, you can easily learn planting from the various tree-planting guides online.

8. Upgrade and Donate.

You'll not only be doing Mother Earth some good; you'll also be doing good for those who are in need. Simply upgrade your appliances to their greener versions and donate the old ones. This might cost you much, but you'll save money, especially on maintenance, in the long run.

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