Sunday, May 8, 2016

5 Lessons On Entrepreneurship I Learnt From My Mother

Persistence & Patience

Well, whether it was getting us dressed for school, or teaching us how to tie our shoelaces, or making sure we catch our school bus on time, our mothers were always persistent and patient in their actions to achieve the goal they wanted - making us independent and resourceful. In a startup, persistence is the key to achieving your goals especially when you try multiple solutions that may not give immediate results.No one teaches this better than mom!

Multitasking and Delegating

Mothers are natural multitaskers. Whether it was managing household chores with work or managing a house full of guests, as a child I always wondered how she did it so seamlessly, when I grew up I realized how the art of multitasking was intertwined with the art of delegating. Multitasking and starting a business go hand in hand especially when you’re bootstrapped, you assume the role of chief everything officers instantly. But its important to understand that at times , doing everything can result in nothing and certain tasks must be delegated.

Empathy & Compassion

How many skinned knees and bruised hearts have our mums put their band-aid of empathy and compassion on? more than we can count.

The art of empathy and compassion in bussiness can do wonders - putting yourselves in the shoes of your customers  and understanding your employees concerns and needs , give us valuable insights  to not only better our business strategy but build an environment of trust and growth.

The Art of Negotiation

Why don’t we try selling the idea of healthy food and vegetables to a kid?, the latter is harder. BUT Mothers surely know how to get us to do what is right for us by using the power of words. And  at times we think it’s difficult to sell our solution to a potential customer or investor?,

Negotiating is a skill that our mothers have a knack of and their skill and ability are something businesses strive to have.


Our mothers have a multitude of demands on them and they learn to prioritize them efficiently. They quickly separate what’s most important from what’s not important and put all of their energy into what they determine as essential. By constantly focusing on what’s most pressing and spending all their valuable time working on just those things, moms provide an essential lesson for anyone wanting to be a great leader.

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