Sunday, April 23, 2017

7 Mistakes on Your First Day of Work That Make You Seem Inexperienced

1. Going out the night before

If you've been out and about the night before, it always shows. You'll be less attentive, alert, and able to respond. Don't risk one night of fun for a potential career--even if you think it doesn't, it'll show.

2. Jumping in before you're ready

Even if you think you can, don't embark on a task without making sure you completely understand the instructions, and that you'll be able to execute what your boss is asking for. Otherwise, he or she might think that you're unable to exceed the expectations they had in mind.

3. Dressing incorrectly

Whether it's overly dressing up or down, the way that you present yourself your first day immediately shows whether or not you'll be able to fit in at the office. Make sure that you know what kind of image the company is trying to project of itself, and dress your part.

4. Being negative

Before the rest of the office knows how eager and positive your demeanor may normally be, showing a different kind of attitude the first day of work definitely leaves a negative impression. Take care not to be negative, or to avoid any kind of complaining while you're going about your first day.

5. Acting overeager

Even if you are enthusiastic, there's something we all dislike about the person that tries too hard. Show that you're able to complete everything the company asks and demands of you, but don't go too overboard.

6. Not admitting your mistakes

Even though we all are sure to make mistakes when we just start somewhere, being able to own up to them and amend for them correctly is an important skill that only the most professional of employees possess. Don't make the rookie mistake, and own up to them too.

7. Talking trash

There's nothing someone dislikes more than someone who runs their mouth at any chance they get. Don't be that person in the office. And definitely don't be that person on the first day.

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