Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Five Tech Tips and Trends for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs looking to grow business are tempted in nearly every direction by tech writers and bloggers loudly proclaiming they’ve found the next big thing. With an explosion of new technology, it is nigh impossible for entrepreneurs to keep up. These five tech tips and trends will both simplify your workload and help you increase productivity in the workplace.

Rein in your inbox

When your inbox is jammed with new email, you can miss important emails and struggle to find the things that you need. Take control of your inbox by filing emails after reading them into three categories: Read, respond to right now and file away to respond to later. This may seem like a more time-intensive approach, but when applied regularly, it actually saves you time later and ensures that you’re not distracted by unimportant emails.

Adopt cloud storage

Not only does cloud storage save you money and resources, it makes it easier for you to access documents anywhere and automates data backups that safeguard resources in the event of data loss. The cloud also encourages collaboration and helps employees work more efficiently. There are many different types of cloud storage solutions, to fit all different kinds of workplaces.

Switch to BYOD in the workplace

BYOD also helps employees work more efficiently, more productively and in a manner that is the most comfortable to them. If you ignore BYOD, your employees will only use their own devices at work anyway, and doing so without oversight could leave you vulnerable to data loss. Take a proactive stance when it comes to BYOD, by setting and enforcing a BYOD policy that helps everyone be more productive while setting regulations that keep enterprise resources safe.

Invest in electronic signature technology

Electronic signatures simplify and expedite the signature process, saving you time and making it even easier to collaborate. Many electronic signature technologies are compatible with existing software, such as Microsoft Word or Google Drive, for easier integration into your workflow. While this technology can be an expensive investment, over the long run it may be cheaper than paying extra to messenger or overnight deliver documents for signature. If you regularly pay a premium to get documents signed on time, place this trend at the top of your list.

Continue to expand your knowledge through online education

In the age of the MOOC, it has never been easier to expand your knowledge base online. Use resources like Coursera, OpenCourse, Khan Academy,, Code Academy, Code Year or HubSpot Inbound Marketing University. Learn through video tutorials, podcasts and by putting the skills you are learning into practice. If you regularly devote some of your time to pursuing new skills, you’ll quickly add to your portfolio and expand your usefulness in the workplace.



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