Friday, June 20, 2014

5 Tips : How to Stay Healthy While Starting Up

1. Get an Early Start

You likely already wake up early, but this also means you should be going to bed at a reasonable hour, allowing your mornings to be a time to focus on yourself.

Meditation and movement is one of the best ways to start your morning. We recommend doing five sets of one minute plank holds - an energizing and mentally engaging way to start your day. Mornings are also a great time for your workout. This routine gives you energy to start your day. Plus, exercising in the morning is like taking a shower: Beneficial and best of all, checked off of your to-do list. 

2. Plan Ahead for Moments of Snacking Desperation

Prepare a variety of healthy snacks at the beginning of each week. Bags of almonds, fresh produce and hard boiled eggs are great ways to tide you over should meetings run late throughout the day. This also ensures that when you do sit down for a meal, that you're not overeating.

3. Sneak in Mini Workouts

If you're unable to fit a workout into your morning routine, find ways to sneak in mini-workouts throughout the day.

Take five-minute breaks to do tricep dips and pushups next to your desk; you work not only your arms, but also your legs and core! If that doesn't work, take your conference calls standing or go on walks during brainstorms with team members.

4. Drink Water -- Lots of It

Always stay hydrated throughout the day. Keep a water bottle at home and at work so you’re never without access to one.

5. Push out the Stress

De-stress with a series of push-ups. When you’re engaging a series of muscles to perform a specific action, your shift your focus. These are the perfect remedy after receiving a less-than-pleasant email or phone call.



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