Saturday, April 18, 2015

6 Behaviors People in Business Loathe

Our success is often defined by the things that we do and less by the
things that we say -- I really do believe it can be that simple. This
often comes down to the trust that is built by our actions when we
interact with others, yet we're constantly surrounded by people that
just can't seem to figure it out -- whether intentionally or not.

I've taken the liberty of creating a small laundry list of actions
that, if you find yourself doing, you really should stop -- right now.

1. Don't do what you say you're going to.

Here's the deal: If you can create one rule in your life that has the
capacity to tremendously alter outcomes, it's this one. Just do what
you say you're going to do. The benefit of this seemingly simple ask
is that the vast majority of your fellow human beings just won't or
can't. They'll make promises and commitments that they either don't
have the intention or purely the bandwidth to follow through on -- so
when you do, you'll look like a superhero.

2. Constantly looking at your phone.

Yes, we're all guilty of this from time to time -- or all the time in
some extremely inconsiderate cases. The reality is, what you're
telling those around you is that they're not important. What is
important is the gadget in your hand that has you so transfixed it's
as if its mere use is extending your life by rewarding you with
credits to the lost fountain of youth. Guess what, it's not.

Do yourself a favor and put your pocket computer on silent in your
pocket when you're engaging with others -- whatever is happening on
Candy Crush can wait.

3. Your lack of eye contact.

I know, this is pretty simple, but I'm going to take it in a bit of
different direction. I'm not referring to the first introduction,
"it's nice to meet you" type of eye contact -- although that's super
important too -- I'm referring to when we're sitting at lunch and
you're having a hard time focusing, which is represented by your
incessant looking about the room or at the TV behind me.

If you can't focus on a discussion, how are you to be trusted to focus
on a considerably more complicated project, task or job?

4. You talk about yourself, non-stop.

When you're engaged in conversation and find yourself out of breath
whilst deep into a series of self satisfying stories about
you-know-who, what you're really saying is that you care only about
yourself and likely possess an ego that has may never be tamed. Guess
what? You'll get a lot further in life by asking a few questions,
closing your yapper and just listening intently. Try it and watch
magic happen.

5. You're late.

There's not much worse than dealing with someone that can't keep track
of their own schedule and, as a result, is late to scheduled calls or
meetings. All you're really telling the world, or at least those that
are waiting for you, is that your time is more valuable than theirs
and you're completely incompetent when it comes to managing your own
schedule. I know, things happen. Here's a solution: plan accordingly.

6. Using acronyms.

Every business and industry is fraught with top-secret jargon and
confusing acronyms. When you find yourself spouting them off while
amongst those that aren't in your industry or may not understand them,
it's often perceived that you're posturing with the intent to show the
world how smart you are -- and by default, how stupid they are. It's
OK to use your code words, but just be sure to be conscious of those
around you and take the time to explain what they mean.

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