Saturday, April 4, 2015

6 Powerful Actions for Improving Your Productivity

These six tips are designed to deliver serious improvement to your
current levels of productivity. If you can, tackle them in order.

1. Tracking

How much of your time is spent on emails or on the phone versus doing
your most important work? If you don't have a clear picture of how
your days are spent, it's going to be tough to make improvements.

A couple of great tools for this are Time Doctor (which has a 30-day
free plan) and RescueTime (which has a free version). Both track
everything you do at your computer and break it down into different
categories for you. If you prefer, keep a list on paper or in a
spreadsheet of what you did when. Although this takes more effort, it
will force you to make more conscious decisions about how you spend
your time.

Go further: Each week, look at where your time was spent. Is there a
particular productivity hole that needs plugging? Perhaps you're
spending longer than you realized on email, or "quickly checking
Facebook" is adding up to several hours over the course of a week.

2. Planning

At the start of your workday, or the end of the previous one, plan out
what you'll be doing. If you don't, it's too easy to end up tackling
low-priority tasks or getting knocked off-track by interruptions and
sudden requests.

Your plan needs to be more detailed than "write report for three
hours." I plan my days in 15-minute intervals, breaking down tasks
into clear steps. You might want to experiment with different lengths
of time--for instance, the Pomodoro technique involves working for 25
minutes, then taking a five-minute break.

Go further: Aim to work during your most productive hours. The
standard 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. isn't right for everyone. I work from 5 a.m.
to 4 p.m. so I can spend my evening with family and get to bed early.
(A clear end to your work day will help you stay focused, too.)

3. Prioritizing

Do you ever get to the end of a day only to find that, though you've
been working long hours, you don't seem to have accomplished much?

It's easy to get caught up in doing the wrong things. It might feel
good to clear your inbox or tidy your desk, but if you're doing those
at the expense of finding new clients or completing important work,
you're not making any gains.

It helps if you're well organized so you can keep projects moving
quickly. Asana is a great tool for this. If you're disorganized, it's
easy to end up forgetting about critical steps or rushing through
tasks at the last minute.

Go further: Choose one to three key priorities for the upcoming week.
What will have a real impact on your bottom line? What tasks are truly

4. Delegating

If you have employees, you're hopefully already delegating tasks,
though probably not as many as you should. If you're running a
one-person business, perhaps it's time to hire a virtual assistant who
could help with a particular area, like editing and transcribing audio

A lot of entrepreneurs resist delegating because they feel it's less
hassle to handle tasks themselves. If your work involves any repeated
tasks, like setting up newsletters, researching new blog content,
curating content to share on Twitter or Facebook, etc., then you can
create a document with step-by-step instructions for someone to

While this means investing a bit of extra time upfront, you'll soon
reap the benefits of having someone else tackle tasks that are
constantly eating up your time.

Go further: Don't go for the cheapest support you can find. Ideally,
you want to delegate to people who are confident working on their own
and who can make decisions without constantly double-checking with

5. Leveraging the Right Tools

It pays to use the best tools for the job. Some of my favorites are:

Hootsuite: manage different social network accounts from one location
Buffer: schedule social network updates in advance
Feedly: get blog updates, news and RSS feeds all in one place
Asana: organize tasks and conversations within your team
Slack: bring together emails, chat, files, and more
Basecamp: online project management for businesses of all sizes
Dropbox: store files in the Cloud and access them easily on your computers
LastPass: never struggle to remember (or recover) a password again

6. Eliminating

Two huge productivity killers are interruptions (caused by others) and
distractions (caused by you). If you're going to be successful as an
entrepreneur, you need to work to eliminate as many of these as

While each interruption may only take up a few minutes of your time,
they'll often knock you out of the flow of your work, especially if
you're busy with something that requires a lot of concentration. You
may not be able to eliminate every interruption, but you can certainly
get rid of some. For instance, turn off your phone notifications and
only check emails at certain intervals. When it comes to distractions,
you may want to use a browser plugin like StayFocusd to block
time-wasting websites if you find yourself struggling to stay on task.

Go further: To cut down on interruptions, help your colleagues
understand that you're unavailable at certain times with visual cues,
like wearing headphones or closing your office door.

One final tip: Don't feel that you have to make all of these
improvements at once. Often, it's better to get one new way of working
firmly established before adding new ones. If you spend two weeks on
each of these tips, making it a real habit, you could easily be twice
as productive within three months.

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