Thursday, October 31, 2013



STYLE :  hope, positive & speculative

  • Positive & speculative
  • Positive thinking, optimism, opportunity
  • Benefits
  • Best-case scenarios
  • Exploration
This is the logical positive— why something will work and why it will offer benefits.It can be used in looking forward to the results of some proposed action, but can also
be used to find something of value in what has already happened.

a deliberate search for the positive (optimistic viewpoint) through exploration and speculation defining the benefits of the decision and the value in it. Yellow Hat thinking is constructive blending “curiosity, pleasure, greed, and the desire to make things happen” (91) enhancing the proposal by generating alternative ideas “based on experience, available information, logical deduction, hints, trends, guesses, and hopes”


What ideas, suggestions, or proposals are there for how to approach this problem? . . .to achieve this goal?
What is the merit of the approach?
What positives can you see in this idea?
What could be done to make this work better? Faster? More economically? Under what conditions could this work?
What would it take to make this proposal acceptable? What is your vision for how this could work? 


Calls for optimism, positive aspects The yellow hat is for optimism and the logical positive view of things. Wearing the yellow hat allows you to look for benefits, feasibility and how something can be done.
Yellow hat thinking is a deliberate search for the positive. Benefits are not always immediately
obvious and you might have to search for them.
Every creative idea deserves some yellow hat attention.


STYLE : Black: serious, somber


This is the hat of judgement and caution. It is a most valuable hat. It is not in any sense an inferior or negative hat. The black hat is used to point out why a suggestion does not fit the facts, the available experience, the system in use, or the path that is being followed. The black hat must always be logical.
Cautious and careful
Logical negative – why it won’t work
Critical judgement, pessimistic view
Separates logical negative from emotional
Focus on errors, evidence, conclusions
Logical & truthful, but not necessarily fair

The basis of logical, critical thinking offering careful, cautious, and defensive insights. Try to see what is wrong; why it might not work; what are the dangers, problems, and obstacles; what are the deficiencies in the thinking process. It allows you to eliminate the negatives, alter plans, or prepare contingency plans to counter any problems.


What will happen if we take this action?
What can go wrong if we proceed with this idea or implement this suggestion?
What are the weaknesses that we need to overcome?
How does this “fit” with our (or other’s) experience, policy, strategy, values, ethics, and resources?
How will people respond?
Will it work . . be profitable . . be acceptable?


Black Hat thinking is not an argument, but helps to make plans “tougher” and more resilient. It can help to spot fatal flaws and risks before you embark on a course of action. There is a danger of overusing black hat thinking by remaining in the critical mode and delaying green and yellow hat thinking.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


STYLE : Emotional , Angry

COVERS : The red hat allows the thinker to put forward an intuition without any need to justify it. ‘Putting on my red hat, I think this is a terrible proposal.’ Usually feelings and intuition can only be introduced into a discussion if they are supported by logic. Often the feeling is genuine but the logic is questionable. The red hat gives full permission to a thinker to put forward his or her feelings on the subject at the moment.

FOCUS : Usually, feelings and intuition can only be introduced into a discussion if they are supported by logic.
Often, the feeling is genuine but the logic is spurious.
Wearing the red hat allows you to put forward your feelings and intuitions without the need for justification, explanation or apology.
Putting on the red hat, you express what you feel about the project. Examples:
• My gut-feeling is that this will not work.
• I don't like the way this is being done.
• This proposal is terrible.
• My intuition tells me that prices will fall soon.
The red hat allows feelings to come into the discussion without pretending to be anything else. It is always valuable to get feelings out into the open. 

Encourages participants to think about how other people will react emotionally and try to understand the responses of people who do not fully know your reasoning. Participants do not need to explain or justify individual expressions of feelings.

  • How do you react to this? 
  • What is your intuition/opinion about this? 
  • Gut feelings . . .Hunches or insights . . .Likes/dislikes? 
  • What emotions [fear, anger, hatred, suspicion, jealousy, or love ] are involved here?


  • Emotions & feelings
  • Hunches, intuitions, impressions
  • Doesn’t have to be logical or consistent
  • No justifications, reasons or basis
  • All decisions are emotional in the end

Monday, October 28, 2013


STYLE :  Neutral, Objective

COVERS :  facts, figures, information needs and gaps. ‘I think we need some white hat thinking at this point...’ means ‘Let's drop the arguments and suggestions and look at the data

FOCUS :  on available data (facts and figures) while remaining neutral. Participants are encouraged to review existing information, search for gaps in knowledge, analyze past trends, and extrapolate key learnings from historical data.


  • What information do we have?
  • What information do we need?
  • What information is mission?
  • What questions do we need to ask?
  • How are we going to get the information we need?
  • Is it fact or belief?


  • Excludes opinions, hunches, judgement
  • Removes feelings & impression
  • Two tiers of facts 
  • Believed Facts 
  • Checked Facts
  1. Calls for information known or needed – gathering just the facts
  2. The white hat covers facts, figures, data and information. Too often facts and figures are embedded in an argument or belief.
  3. Wearing your white hat allows you to present information in a neutral and objective way.

When you put on your white hat, you focus directly on the information – what is available, what is needed, and how it might be obtained. Proposals, opinions, beliefs and arguments should be put aside.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Working With People You Don't Like

Your boss has just asked you to work on a new project. But there's a problem: she's paired you with Paula, someone you can't stand.

Paula has expertise that is vital to the project's goals. But she's also sarcastic, she makes negative comments in meetings, and she often doesn't respond to your emails.

You find her behavior frustrating and inconsiderate, but you want to work on this project. So, how can you work effectively with her, when you dislike her so much?

In this article, we'll look at why it's important to be able to work with people you don't like. We'll also explore ways that you can overcome this dislike, and work professionally and productively with all members of your team.


The Importance of Overcoming Dislike


No matter who you are or where you work, there will be a time when you have to work with, or do business with, someone you don't like. This person may be a client, a consultant, a colleague, or your boss.


Negative relationships like this can take their toll. It's likely that you'll find it stressful working with these people; they may reduce your productivity by wasting your time and energy, or upset you with unhelpful comments. Working with them could leave you feeling emotionally drained or frustrated; and, longer term, they could even cause you to want to leave your job.


If you can learn how to work effectively with them, you'll reduce your own stress, and enjoy work far more. This ability can also open up projects and roles that you may not have considered before.

Strategies for Working With Someone You Dislike


You might feel guilty for not liking someone you work with. However, it's normal not to get along with everyone: we all have different workplace values and habits, and sometimes these can clash, especially when we spend a lot of our day working with someone.


Use the steps below to build a more productive relationship.


1. Understand the Situation


It's essential to understand the difference between a colleague who is being unhelpful or frustrating, and one who is bullying   you, or preventing you from doing your job.


Think about specific situations that you've found upsetting to clarify your thinking. For example, a colleague who makes sarcastic remarks in a meeting may be having a bad day; however, persistent negativity that causes distress or delays is a problem.


Then look at the behavior itself. Use Benne and Sheats' Group Roles   to understand how it fits into the dynamics of your team, and note how the behavior affects you, your colleagues, and your organization. Does it affect your ability to do your job? Does it harm an individual in your team? Does it harm your organization's mission? Or does it affect the team's cohesiveness?


These are all valid issues that need to be dealt with. However, be careful in other areas: if you dislike someone because of their lifestyle or politics, then you may need to be more tolerant  .


2. Analyze Why


Start by thinking about why you don't like this person. What does he or she do, specifically, that irritates you?


It's possible that the negative or annoying behavior reminds you of a specific trait that you have yourself and that you don't like.


For example, you might dislike a colleague because she gossips behind people's backs. This insidious habit is one that you may have engaged in yourself, and you hate it that you're still tempted to gossip. So, this colleague's character flaw is a constant reminder of your own issues.


Alternatively, perhaps this person reminds you of someone you disliked in the past. Or maybe he or she has a very different working style from yours, or an approach to communication or information sharing that clashes with yours.


It can be challenging to look at a dreaded colleague and figure out what it is about him or her that you don't like. However, if you're willing to be honest with yourself, you can become more self-aware by understanding this person.



If you're working with someone whose culture you're not familiar with, it may be worth exploring the idea of cultural intelligence  . This can help you understand more about why someone behaves as he or she does.


3. Try to Connect


This person might have several character traits that you dislike. But, chances are, he or she also has many positive attributes. What are they? What behaviors or personality traits do you like or relate to?


Practice empathy  : put yourself in this person's shoes. Why might this person act in the way that he or she does? What pressures is this person under that you aren't? Use the Perceptual Positions   tool to try to understand this person's perspective.


It can also be helpful to learn more about Transactional Analysis  , which is a way of understanding human interactions. The better you understand the different roles that people play and why they play them, the better you can use this understanding to improve a poor relationship.


Spend time with this person – ideally in an informal context such as a team meal – to gain a better understanding of his or her perspective and motivation. This might not seem to be a pleasant prospect, but getting to know them better might be the key you need to overcome your dislike.



Part of connecting with others means suspending judgment and not jumping to conclusions. There could be valid reasons why this person is acting in an unhelpful way – for instance, he or she might have too much on, or may have health or family problems. Consider this before you judge other people’s behavior.


4. Talk It Out


Choose a time and place where you can talk privately with the other person. Use the following framework to make your case, and to find a solution:


    Acknowledge the tension between you.

    Outline the behavior that is causing tension.

    Cite a number of specific examples.

    Explain how these actions affect you.

    Ask what you can do to build a better relationship.


Such conversations can be challenging. Consider using role-play   with a colleague to practice before you speak, and use assertiveness   techniques to make your case confidently.



If you manage this person, you must deal with these issues through calm, measured feedback and coaching. Be careful not to be aggressive – this could be seen as bullying.


5. Manage Your Emotions


Dislike is a powerful emotion, and you may feel tense and upset when dealing with your colleague. This can be distracting as well as unpleasant, especially when the feelings of tension affect other tasks.


You can reduce these feelings by changing the way that you react to tense situations. Learn how to manage your emotions  , so that you can respond with assertiveness and dignity in tough situations.


If you have a negative interaction with someone, take immediate steps to calm down: walk away or practice deep breathing exercises  . Also, make sure that you don't let your negative mood affect how you treat others.


Relaxation methods such as yoga or meditation  can help to reduce stress and encourage self-awareness. Regular physical exercise will also help you handle stress at work, especially if you're able to exercise before you start work.


Occasionally, conflict might erupt between the two of you, especially if the relationship is hostile or tense. Learn good conflict resolution  skills to resolve these issues quickly and professionally.


6. Keep Negativity to Yourself


It's tempting to share your dislike of someone with colleagues, and to spend time dissecting this person's personality flaws. However, keep in mind that gossiping can destroy morale. Badmouthing colleagues, no matter how unpopular they are, will also affect your reputation.