Thursday, October 31, 2013



STYLE :  hope, positive & speculative

  • Positive & speculative
  • Positive thinking, optimism, opportunity
  • Benefits
  • Best-case scenarios
  • Exploration
This is the logical positive— why something will work and why it will offer benefits.It can be used in looking forward to the results of some proposed action, but can also
be used to find something of value in what has already happened.

a deliberate search for the positive (optimistic viewpoint) through exploration and speculation defining the benefits of the decision and the value in it. Yellow Hat thinking is constructive blending “curiosity, pleasure, greed, and the desire to make things happen” (91) enhancing the proposal by generating alternative ideas “based on experience, available information, logical deduction, hints, trends, guesses, and hopes”


What ideas, suggestions, or proposals are there for how to approach this problem? . . .to achieve this goal?
What is the merit of the approach?
What positives can you see in this idea?
What could be done to make this work better? Faster? More economically? Under what conditions could this work?
What would it take to make this proposal acceptable? What is your vision for how this could work? 


Calls for optimism, positive aspects The yellow hat is for optimism and the logical positive view of things. Wearing the yellow hat allows you to look for benefits, feasibility and how something can be done.
Yellow hat thinking is a deliberate search for the positive. Benefits are not always immediately
obvious and you might have to search for them.
Every creative idea deserves some yellow hat attention.

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